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Culture Industries

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 2S

Code: CS200019    Acronym: IC
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 43 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Marta Sofia da Luz Marcos Pinho AlvesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Marta Alves   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

At the end of the course unit students should be able to:
-to identify the genesis of the concept, its contemporary applications and other related concepts;
- recognize the key concepts and theoretical models associated with it, as well as their creation and application contexts;
- understand the complexity of its definition in relation to the multiple positions it calls;
-to understand the economic, political and cultural dynamics associated with the cultural industries;
- recognize the impacts of the digital age in the field of industrial cultural production.
- adopt an informed and critical attitude towards the debates on the subject.


1. From "Culture Industry" to "Cultural Industries": brief history of the concept.
2. Cultural policies and the development of cultural industries
- The growth of cultural industries
- Cultural policies
- The geography of cultural production
3. Organization and management of cultural industries
- production, circulation, reception, promotion of the products of cultural industries.
4. Convergence, production and consumption.
- Technology and organization
- Audiences and cultural consumption
- Production and consumption in the era of "participatory culture"

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The programmed content is in line with the objectives, given that it is intended to give students an up-to-date and critical perspective on the functioning of cultural industries and the different theoretical positions on the same subject. The programmatic contents provided allow a transversal and historical view of the phenomenon, as well as the analysis of the contemporary national and international situation and the main themes and problems associated with it.

Teaching methodologies

The classes will be divided into two contiguous sections, a first one with an expositive nature in which the proposed concepts will be presented in the programmatic contents and a second one, which proposes, from the reading of texts, analysis of practical cases related to the concepts presented above or contact with Agents of the field of culture, the collective debate on these issues.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

It is considered that expository methodology followed by student participation in the analysis of documents and practical cases, always guided by the teacher, will contribute to the development of the competencies identified in the objectives. The student will have the opportunity to know theoretical thinking about the topics under analysis and deepen their understanding by identifying and questions and obtaining answers and by observing their application in concrete cases.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

1. Written reports on two open classes, developed in a group [40%]

2. Participation in group activities in the planning and organization of open classes [20%]

3. Evaluation test [40%]

A specific evaluation document will be distributed to the students, explaining the rules of preparation and delivery times for each element of evaluation.

Attendance system

Participation of regular students
Each student is expected to: (a) be present in 75% of classes and participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis as well as in group work; (B) read, analyze and be prepared to discuss the supporting texts presented; (C) carry out the scheduled work.

Worker-student participation
Each case must be negotiated with the teacher during the first 15 days after the start of classes.


AAVV ( s/d [várias]), A Indústria da Cultura, Lisboa: Meridiano.
ADORNO, Theodor (2003 [várias]), Sobre a Indústria da Cultura, Coimbra: Angelus Novus.
ANHEIER, Helmut K.; ISAR, Yudhishthir Raj (2008) The Cultural Economy. Los Angeles e Londres: Sage.
BRETON, Philippe; PROULX, Serge (1997), A Explosão da Comunicação, Lisboa: Bizâncio.
FLEW, Terry (2012) The Creative Industries: Culture and Policy. Londres: Sage.
HARTLEY, John (2005) Creative Industries. Oxford: Blackwell.
HESMONDHALGH, David (2007) The Cultural Industries. Londres: Sage.
INGLIS, Fred (2004) Culture. Cambridge: Polity.
LEWIS, Justin; MILLER Toby (Eds) (2003) Critical Cultural Policy Studies: A reader. Oxford: Blackwell.
LASH, Scott; LURY, Celia (2007) Global Culture Industry: the Mediation of Things. Cambridge: Polity.
MCROBBIE, Angela (1999) In the Culture Society: Art, Fashion, and Popular Music. Londres: Routledge.
SANDEL, Michael (2012), What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets. Londres: Allen Lane.

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