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Economy and Sports Marketing

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 1S

Code: DESP27    Acronym: EMD
Scientific Fields: Ciências do Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DESP 34 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Paulo Alexandre Correia NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
César Costa   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The Course Unit (CU) of "Economics and Marketing of Sports" is part of the 3rd year of the Degree in Sport. It is a course comprising a total workload of 162 hours, corresponding to the presence of the teaching tasks a workload of 72 hours. This breaks down for a period of weekly 3h30m for practical classes and includes support tutorial.

In addition to the hours of contact with the teacher, UC's management also implies, by the student, study time and reflection and production jobs.

Companies and sports organizations develop their action in an increasingly competitive market, seeking strategies to overcome the difficulties in answering the most demanding customers and constantly changing consumption habits.

Understanding the variables of service management, know how to design, develop, organize and structure as well as the techniques, strategies and following options which are responses to market demand, are objectives of the discipline.

In short, a period where competition market is quite strong and the management and development of new products and services has become a central element of sports economy competitiveness, this study program, aims to provide tools and skills to contribute to the knowledge of the tools necessary for proper management of sports services to the market and customers. In this sense, it is intended to achieve the objectives:

1. Concept Sports Products
2. The Notion of Service
3. Market Definition / Sports Market
4. Sports Marketing
5. Consumer Behavior Analysis
6. Relationship Marketing
7. Mix Marketing Segmentation Positioning Communication and Sales
8. Quality Management in Sport Service


1. Products and Services
2. Market / Sports Market
3. The 1st mix P - Product Sports
4. Market Research
5. Theories and explanatory models of consumer behavior
6. Targeting Positioning Brand
7. The 2nd P Mix - Pricing Policy in products and sports services
8. 3rd Mix P - Location
9. The 4th P Mix - Communication Policy
10. The 5th P Mix - Public Relations Sales
11. Development of Strategic Marketing
12. Relationship Marketing
13. Sports Marketing
14. Quality Management

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The contents reflect a theoretical framework, the form of organization of the markets and the importance of marketing for the management of sports organizations.

Teaching methodologies

The approach of program content is based on two parts: one part aimed at theoretical and another part intended for the application of the theory.

For practical studies the working methods are diversified and depending on the objectives of each class. The most frequently performed by the students, are the presentation of themes, panel discussions, individual work and / or small group, the preparation of summaries and reflection on the theory and design of work.

Continuous assessment and students incorporated in it are subject, in the process, the implementation of small practical work of reflection and / or deepening of the study and the specific situations of questioning.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Gives it special importance to interactive methodologies, teaching the discovery, involving students in the teaching-learning process, centered on an approach of theoretical concepts referenced by scientific research and its application to practical situations.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation of UC "Economics and Marketing of Sports" is based on continuous assessment, which consists in times of process and product. Are valences of continuous assessment:
At the process level (40%)
- Application exercises performed in class, practical group work - 30%
- Level of participation - 5%
- Attendance - 5%

At the level of product (60%)
- A written test - 30%
- A final work, carried out in a group, consisting of the development of a marketing strategy to launch a new product or service sports - 30%

For the award of the final grade, can the teacher provides, if deemed necessary for further clarification of the evaluation process, the oral discussion of any of the productions performed by students.

Attendance system

Attendance system:
a) is present in 80% of classes and participate in the discussion of the issues involved, as well as in carrying out the proposed work;
b) read the literature to support and be prepared to analyze and discuss the issues presented;
c) perform the tasks and scheduled work, showing clearly and accurately the acquisition of knowledge on the subject.


Eilglier, P., Langerard, E., (1998). Servunction, A Gestão Marketing de Empresas de Serviços. Mc Graw-Hill.

Lendrevie, J., Lindon, D., Dionísio, P., Rodrigues, V. (2004). Mercator XXI– Teoria e Prática do Marketing. 10ª edição. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote.

Mullin, B., Hardy, S., Sutton, W. (2004). Marketing Esportivo. 2ª Edição. S. Paulo: Editora Artmed.

Bibliografia complementar

Albrecht, K., Bradford, L., (1992). Serviços com Qualidade, A Vantagem Competitiva. Makron Books.

Mintzberg, H. (1995). Estrutura e Dinâmica das Organizações, Col. Gestão e Inovação. Publicações Dom Quixote.

Marques, A. (2012) Marketing Relacional. 1ª edição. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

Correia A., Costa, C., Mamede, P., Sacavém, A. (2000). Serviços de Qualidade no Desporto: Piscinas, Polidesportivos e Ginásios. Manual do Ciclo de Acções de Formação. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos e Formação Desportiva, Secretaria de Estado do Desporto.



Students with special statutes that may not be present in the planned sessions, should give notice of this status to teachers in the first fifteen days of classes, defined a work plan to be developed and adapted evaluation discretion, depending on the possibilities and particular conditions frequency of students involved, to allow monitoring of the respective classes and continuous assessment.

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