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Political Sciences and Theory

Scholar Year: 2021/2022 - 2S

Code: CS200018    Acronym: CTP
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 41 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Luís Carlos Rodrigues dos SantosHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,20
Alice Samara   3,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Mobilizing multiple literacies in understanding the phenomena of the world today.
To distinguish the discourses of common sense and Political Science, understanding their relations by correlative gauging of knowledge.
Understand, interpret and critically question sources and diverse elements of information (bibliography, written documents, oral testimonies and others) according to the rules of the investigation of Political Science.
To reveal knowledge that allows the understanding of the universality and complexity of political phenomena.
To be able to use instruments of analysis of national and international political structures within a framework of profound changes in the world today.
Reveal knowledge in the fields of Political Philosophy, Political History in general and History of Political Ideas in particular.
Being able to present written and oral knowledge acquired using the terminology proper to Political Science and revealing argumentative ability.


1. Introduction to Theory and Political Science.
1.1. Approaches to a policy concept.
1.2. The object of Political Science.

2.Contents for a diachronic reading of political ideas.
2.1. Classical Antiquity.
2.1.1. The oligarchy of Sparta.
2.1.2. The democracy of Athens.
2.1.3. Pericles: In Defense of Democracy.
2.1.4. Xenophon: In defense of the dictatorship.
2.1.5. Plato's political thought.
2.1.6. Aristotle's political thought.
2.1.7. The contribution of Rome.
2.1.8. Cicero - in the reception and evolution of Greek thought.

2.2 Political thinking in the Middle Ages
2.2.1. The Contribution of Christianity in Political Thinking.
2.2.2. Saint Augustine
2.2.3. St. Thomas Aquinas.

2.3. Modern political thinking.
2.3.1. Machiavelli and the State Reason.
2.3.2. Thomas Morus and Utopia
2.3.3. Thomas Hobbes and Leviathan.

The Enlightenment.
2.4.1. John Locke and Political Liberalism
2.4.2. Montesquieu and the separation of powers.
2.4.3. Voltaire and enlightened despotism.
2.4.4. Rousseau - popular sovereignty and Republic.

3. Contemporary political thinking
3.1. Socialist ideas
3.2. The welfare state and the social issue of the nineteenth century.
3.3. The Nazism
3.4. The Cold War
3.5. Demoliberalism.
3.5.1. Demoliberalism as the political legacy of the West.
3.5.2. The Emergence of Social Citizenship
3.5.3. The recrudescence of socialism and the fall of the Berlin Wall
3.5.4. Radical and Plural Democracy and Market Socialism
3.4. The political structure in Portugal.
3.4.1. Movements and political parties in Portugal.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The complexity of today's world requires us to allow a training track, understand and critically analyze the political and social evolution, early this millennium when changes are irreversible succeed.
The first purpose of this course is to promote a formation that allows the understanding of the universality of political phenomena, but also involves the knowledge of the analytical instruments of national and international political structures and the acquisition of knowledge at the level of Political Philosophy, History Politics in general and the history of political ideas in particular.
With this UC demand that the student of Social Communication, develop understanding and critical observation of the world in which we interact and gather where the raw material essential to the future performance of their profession.

Teaching methodologies

1. Program management strategies
- Sessions of theoretical framework with the use of diversified methodologies - these sessions will preferably take place in plenary.
- Sessions of methodological framework of the work to be carried out by the students - these sessions can be processed in plenary, with moments of tutorial support in group or individually.
- Collective analysis and interpretation of information of a theoretical and empirical nature.
Elaboration of individual written works, which may take the form of a commentary on a text, an article or a small monographic work.
- Presentation and oral communication of the results of these works.
- Communication with the teacher and colleagues by email.
- Theoretical test.

2. The tutorial support will assume the face-to-face form, using, however, the mail and the Moodle platform.
These face-to-face sessions will preferably serve to provide methodological guidance to students about the work they will develop, whether individual or group.
The tutorial sessions will also serve to point out difficulties in learning.

3. Student Participation
It is expected that each student will be a) assiduous and participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in group work; (B) to read, analyze and be prepared to discuss the supporting texts presented; (C) to carry out the scheduled work

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

A systematic presentation of theoretical data on the subjects under discussion obligation to conduct reading sessions, discussion and analysis of texts to identify and reflect on the main theoretical concepts of political theory.
The incentive to conduct a research project individual or group is of great importance in all work produced by students.
The tutoring sessions play a key role in the preparation and monitoring of these research projects.
The writing test also allows the systematization of theoretical content considered indispensable.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

At the end of the work, the expected learning is centered around three main domains: (a) organization and management of information, evidencing the appropriation, knowledge and identification of the great moments in the history of political ideas, as well as the problematization of questions Of political philosophy. (B) production of texts of varying dimensions and problems; (C) public presentation of works.

Each student will be assessed on the following items:
1) Assiduity, participation, intervention in theoretical / practical classes (20%)
2) Oral and written presentation of group work (40%)
3) Individual written exercise (40%)

Important note: Even though this "uc", due to the particular situation we are experiencing, has started to operate in distance education mode, it was decided that the assessment elements remain unchanged, although they are considered in non-face-to-face classes.

Attendance system

Students must attend at least 75% of classes.


AMARAL, Diogo Freitas do, História do Pensamento Político Ocidental, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 2012.
Idem, Uma Introdução à Política, Bertrand Editora, Lisboa, 2014.
BESSA, António Marques e Jaime Nogueira Pinto, Introdução à Política, Verbo, Lisboa, 1999.
COELHO, Mário Baptista, (Coordenação), Portugal - O Sistema político e constitucional (1974-1987), edição do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, s/d.
DROZ, Jacques, História Geral do Socialismo, 3 vols., Livros Horizonte, Lisboa, 1977.
DUVERGER, Maurice, Sociologia da Política, Almedina, Coimbra, 1983.
CRUZ, Manuel Braga da, As Instituições Políticas e os Processos Sociais, Bertrand, Venda Nova, 1995.
CUNHA, J. da Silva, História Breve das Ideias Políticas (Das origens à Revolução Francesa), Lello & Irmão-Editores, Porto, 1981.
LIJPHART, Arend, As democracias contemporâneas, Lisboa, Ed. Gradiva, 1989.
MARQUES, Viriato Soromenho, A Era da Cidadania, Publicações Europa-América, Lisboa, 1996.
MÓNICA, Maria Filomena, Visitas ao Poder, Quetzal Editores, Lisboa, 2000.
MOREIRA, Adriano, Ciência Política, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 1995.
Portugal Político 25 anos depois, in Análise Social, Revista do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, Vol. XXXV, nº 154/155, 2000.
MOUFFE, Chantal, O Regresso do Político, Gradiva, Lisboa, 1996.
PRÉLOT, Marcel e Georges Lescuyer, História das Ideias Políticas, Editorial Presença, Lisboa, 2000.
SÁ, Luís de, Introdução à Ciência Política, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, 1999
SILVA, Maria M. Magalhães, Noções de Direito Constitucional e Ciência Política, Editora Rei dos Livros, Lisboa, 2000.
SOUSA SANTOS, Boaventura, Reinventar a democracia, Gradiva e Fundação Mário Soares, Lisboa, 1998.
Idem, Pela Mão de Alice, o social e o político na pós-modernidade, Afrontamento, Porto, 1994.
TOUCHARD, Jean, História das Ideias Políticas, Publicações Europa-América, 7 volumes Lisboa, 1970.

• Análise Social, Revista do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (desde 1963).
• História das Ideias, Coimbra (desde 1977)
• Political Theory, an international journal of political philodophy, Sage Publications Ltd, London. (desde 1973).
• Revue Française d’Histoire des idées Plitiques, Picard Editeur, Paris (desde 1995).

Página gerada em: 2024-06-04 às 01:38:10