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Technologies and Communication

Scholar Year: 2022/2023 - 2S

Code: OP00022    Acronym: TC
Scientific Fields: Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 24 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


João Vitor TorresHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,60
Ana Rute Martins   4,66

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

To select the appropriate tools, according to the intended uses within a project;
To promote an appropriate use of the main ICT applications in the selection, organization, treatment and
presentation of data;
To improve the ability to communicate with an audience, using diversified technological supports;
To develop the ability to communicate using different tools of synchronous communication and
To work collaboratively for the design and development of projects, using platforms for
remote communication;
To know the potentials, limitations and implications of ICT, in order to develop a critical view of the
its use;
To follow up on recent ICT developments, including emerging environments on Web 2.0,
facilitators of the publication and communication processes;
To develop the ability to reflect on ethical issues on the Internet;
To know and develop security awerness regarding Internet uses.


Digital literacy. Access to information. The selection and evaluation of information and its use. Internet safety and ethics. Hypertext and hypermedia.
Project and project work.
Technologies as a fundamental resource in project work. Work and communication tools: integration and articulation.
Collection, organization, processing and presentation of qualitative and quantitative information.
Collaborative platforms, networks and learning communities. Constructivist learning environments.
Characteristics and functionalities of learning management platforms.
Characteristics of communities of practice.
Potentialities of Web 2.0 tools. Social software, Blogs, cloud storage.
Digital portfolios.
From the portfolio concept to the digital portfolio.
Ways of organizing materials in a digital portfolio

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The Curricular Unit intends students to reflect and develop skills around the digital world and its tools, specially with regard to forms of communication using digital media, and, in particular, those available on the Internet.
New ways of being and working in the digital world are approached around the development of some concrete example, using digital tools.

Teaching methodologies

The work processes comprise: (a) carrying out practical tasks to deepen relevant aspects of the tools of general use; (b) research of information in different sources, namely on the Internet; (c) data collection and its organization, treatment and (d) elaboration of a project integrating technologies on a relevant topic; (e) reading and discussion of topics associated with the use of digital resources in daily life; (f) presentation of projects using appropriate computer tools; (g) use of communication tools and content management platforms for publishing information and collaboration.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The work components to be developed in the curricular unit provide work environments with diversity and multiplicity of situations. Students who participate in this unit must carry out individual and group activities, which will allow, on the one hand, the appropriation of theoretical concepts and the knowledge of computer tools, and on the other hand, the development of individual skills and teamwork.
Reading and discussing texts will allow students to acquire theoretical knowledge, practical activities will allow the acquisition of skills in the use of the appropriate software for each case and in the context of the course.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Summative evaluation results from the combination of three components:
(i) the resolution of practical tasks and participation in debates (20%);
(ii) a digital presentation of an ICT integrating project, supported by a theoretical written reflection (45%);
(iii) the development of a digital portfolio (35%)

Attendance system

According to the institution's regulations.


Cardoso, G. (2006). Os Media na Sociedade em Rede. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste
Capucha, L. (2008). Planeamento e Avaliação de Projetos ­ Guião prático. Lisboa: DGIDC ­ Ministério da
Castells, M. (2004). A galáxia Internet: Reflexões sobre Internet, negócios e sociedade. Lisboa: Fundação
Calouste Gulbenkian.
CNE (2002). Redes de Aprendizagem, Redes de Conhecimento. Lisboa: Conselho Nacional de Educação.
Dias, P. (2001). Comunidades de conhecimento e aprendizagem colaborativa. In Redes de aprendizagem, redes de conhecimento (pp. 85­93). Lisboa: Conselho Nacional de Educação.
Patrão, C. & Figueiredo, A. D. (2011). Realizing McLuhan’s Dream in 21st Century classroom. In M. Ciastellardi,
C. M. Almeida, & C. A. Scolari (Eds.). Proceedings McLuhan Galaxi Conference: Understanding Media, Today.
Barcelona, May 23­25, pp. 181­189.
Ponte, C., Jorge, A., Simões, J. A. & Cardoso, D. (2012). Crianças e Internet em Portugal. Coimbra: Editorial

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