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Social Sciences

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: EDB10049    Acronym: CS
Scientific Fields: Formação na Área da Docência
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 15 Study Plan 5,0 30 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Carlos José das Neves Moreira Cardoso da CruzHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 8,00
Cristina Gomes da Silva   2,00
Rahul Kumar   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Knows how to look at social reality and reflects critically on the diversity of social groups, their dynamics and their contexts.
- Understands the characteristics of contemporary societies as contexts of regularities and change.
- Use properly basic conceptual tools of social science.
- Uses tools for collecting, analyzing and processing information about objects of diverse work of this CU.


The Social Sciences and the rupture of the common sense
The Social Sciences and the obstacles to scientific knowledge
The unit of the social and the plurality of the Social S.
The diversity of the social sciences: historical development and training
The differentiation of the Social and Human Sciences
Multi / interdisciplinary
The methodologies of the Social Sciences
Quantitative and qualitative methodologies
Scientific procedures, methods, tools and techniques
Empirical research and the problem of measurement. The observation in Social Sciences
Central themes of Social Sciences
Family and Kinship
Genealogies Identity and belonging
Tradition and modernity
The social spaces
Anthropological locations: the community
The city and the non-places
Stratification, hierarchy and social inequalities
Differentiation generational
Gender inequality
The ethnic and cultural discrimination
The wealth inequality
Power and counter power in the contemporary world
Hegemonic and counter-hegemonic
Democracy and citizenship


Zoom colibri


Zoom colibri


Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Since the Social Sciences by nature, multi / interdisciplinary, this CU seeks to provide conceptual frameworks that allow a better understanding of the social individual, society and its dynamics, as well as the network of cultural relations that govern the lives of individuals and societies. Since the social realities of its complexity can not fully understand or explain with looks fragmented disciplinary, seeks to promote a multi / interdisciplinary social phenomena using theoretical and methodological perspectives of these various sciences. The contents, concepts and methodologies of the CU are anchored in different disciplines - anthropology, political science, economics, history, geography, social psychology, sociology - and focus mainly on the social phenomena that characterize modern societies, in aspects of behavior human, social groups, and corporate organization in the diversity of its cultures.

Teaching methodologies

In class, the different themes are organized by the teacher with the use of multimedia (including the moodle). The work processes include: (a) active participation in class, (b) reading, discussion and analysis of texts from literature and/or others suggested by students, (c) preparation of written summaries and/or critical comments about social investigations performed, (d) development of small empirical research, (e) participation in tutorial sessions to support the development of empirical research work.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The teaching methods look primarily at helping students direct contact with the specific knowledge of the various social sciences and, in particular, with the products of empirical research focused on the multifaceted Portuguese reality. Hence students are encouraged to look to recent studies, published in the daily press and/or in specialty journals, and share them in class and in moodle.
The tutoring sessions are predominantly oriented towards the preparation of instruments for data collection, monitoring and supervision of their work of empirical research (education field).
It also seeks to encourage teamwork and knowledge sharing peer at the nuclear component of the evaluation work is conducted in small groups (except for student workers, if they so wish). This does not preclude the implementation of individual activities, related to work autonomously and documentary research.
In order to ensure, both work continuity, made hard through only one class per week (3hrs), and a constant and up-to-date sharing of educational resources, the use of the computer platform moodle has proven to be an indispensable tool in the learning process and in-class group cohesion.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Students are to be continuously assessed. The final mark takes into account the following parameters: (i) Attendance: 10%, (ii) Participation in class activities: 40%, including a summary critical of an empirical study, (iii) Work of empirical research: 50%: knowledge, ability to research, reflection and critical analysis, clear language, accuracy and originality.


BARATA, Ó. S. (1974-75) Introdução às Ciências Sociais. V.N.: Bertrand
BARRETO, A. (2000) A Situação Social em Portugal 1960-1999. Lx: ICS-Eurostat
CAMPENHOUDT, L. V. (2003) Introdução à Análise dos Fenómenos Sociais. Lx: Gradiva
C. C. GULBENKIAN (1996) Para abrir as Ciências Sociais. M.M.: Europa-América
COSTA, J. T. (2002) Introdução às Ciências Sociais: caderno de apoio. Lx: UA
CUCHE, D. (1998) A Noção de Cultura nas Ciências Sociais. Lx: Fim do Século
DUPUY, J-P. (2001) Introdução às Ciências Sociais. Lx: I. Piaget
JACQUARD, P. (1977) Introdução às Ciências Sociais. Lx: Presença
NUNES, A. S. (1977) Questões preliminares sobre as Ciências Sociais. Lx: Presença
PEREIRA, J. L. (1988) Introdução ao Conhecimento nas Ciências Sociais. V.R.: UTAD
PINTO, J. M. (1994) Propostas para o ensino das Ciências Sociais. Porto: Afrontamento
SÁ, V. (1978) Esboço histórico das Ciências Sociais em Portugal. Lx: ICP
STOER, R. S. (org.) (1990) Educação, Ciências Sociais e Realidade Portuguesa. Porto: Afrontamento.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-07 às 19:25:32