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Education, Society and Development

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: MEPAI02    Acronym: ESD
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Educação(integra Educação e Pedagogia), Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEPAI 13 6,0 45 162,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Elisabete Maria Xavier Vieira GomesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,00
Ana Luísa Oliveira Pires   1,53
Cristina Roldão   0,27
Elisabete Gomes   1,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Understand the interdependent relationships between education, society and development;
- Identify the main educational changes in contemporary society, in a socio-historical perspective;
- Understand the challenges of Lifelong Education and the ongoing educational changes;
- Understand the levels of political decision in education (supra-national, national, institutional / organisational,
local/territorial) and their forms and modalities of operationalization;
- Debate issues of interest to the field of Education, supporting opinions and positions in a sustained manner;
- Know theoretical frameworks and lines of research/intervention relevant to critical and complex analysis of
themes and issues in education, society and development


1. Education and development
.Interdependencies and articulations between Education and Development
.Concepts and purposes of development (social, economic, human,...)
.The role of international organisations — UNESCO, EU, OECD, etc.
.Contribution of social movements and non-governmental organisations
2. Education and transformations in contemporary society
. Dynamics of globalisation and economic, scientific, technological and cultural changes
. Socio-historical perspectives: from the school form of education to lifelong education
.Emerging debates: postcolonialism and decolonial approach, feminisms, anti-racism, youth activism.
3. Educational change in Contemporary Society: current issues and future scenarios
. Curriculum development and integration processes and methodologies
. International, national and municipal programs and policy instruments — National Plan for the Arts, Student
Profile, UN Sustainable Development Goals, OECD 2030, etc.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

This syllabus is intrinsically linked to the learning objectives. The understanding of education and training as
fundamental axes for the development of people, communities, regions and countries, in a world marked by great
instability, unpredictability and rapid changes, is one of the main purposes of the UC. Debating the concept of
development in light of contemporary issues and promoting an understanding of the challenges facing education
and training within the framework of contemporary society, particularly related to personal, social, economic,
political, cultural and community development, are objectives central parts of this program.
Understanding the diverse decision levels of education and its relationship with the economic and political spheres
is also one of the objectives of the UC, which critically analyzes theoretical and/or pragmatic concepts and
approaches that support educational practices, inside and outside the school.

Teaching methodologies

Pedagogical strategies aim promoting an articulation of theoretical, theoretical-practical activities and seminars. It
includes research, text analysis, debate, group work, discussion and oral presentations in class, as well as analysis
of projects and/or programs that make visible the addressed themes. Tutorials will be carried out for individual
monitoring of the students' work.
The work developed at the CU will be subject to continuous evaluation. It is also intended that students carry out a
final individual work, of a reflexive and integrative nature, on one of the themes of the program and mobilising
relevant bibliography, translating the lessons learned within the scope of the curricular unit.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Teaching strategies aim promoting the understanding of the enunciated themes and the acquisition of the proposed
objectives, through the analysis of reference publications, participation, discussion and informed debate. In order
to analyze and debate current educational issues in the light of principles such as democracy, participation in
community/society, sustainability, interculturality, innovation and creativity — dimensions that are today at the
center of the main educational debates, both inside and outside the school — , the teaching-learning
methodologies will have to integrate the defended principles. For this reason, the sessions to be developed will be
based mainly on student’s voice, and will articulate theoretical and practical activities, seminars and other activities
that promote critical reflection and emancipation

Assessment methodologies and evidences

1) Elaboration of an individual paper on one of the themes of the program (70%).
2) Quality and relevance of participation in sessions (30%).


Alves, M., Gomes, E., Domingos; A. e Matos, José (orgs) (2018) Investigação, Educação e Desenvolvimento:
revisitar o pensamento de Teresa Ambrósio. Lisboa: Ed. Colibri
Biesta, G.e Safström, C. A. (2011). A manifesto for education. Policy Futures in Education, 9(5), 540-547
Canário, R. (2006) O que é a Escola? Um olhar sociológico, Porto: Porto Ed.
Canário, R. (2000) A aprendizagem ao longo da vida, análise crítica de um conceito e de uma política”. In Psicologia
da Educação, S. Paulo: Brasil
Lima, L. (2007). Educação ao Longo da Vida: entre a mão direita e a mão esquerda de Miró. São Paulo: edições
Morin, E. (2000) Os sete saberes para a Educação do Futuro. São Paulo: Cortês
ONU (2016) Transformar o nosso mundo: Agenda 2030 de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Tikly, L., Batra, P., Duporge, V., Facer, K., Herring, E., Lotz-Sisitka, H., McGrath, S., Mitchell, R., Sprague, T., Wals, A.
2020. Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Foundations Paper. Bristol: TESF

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