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Intersubjectivity and Relationship with Knowledge

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: PG_EE02    Acronym: IRS
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
PG_EE 24 5,0 20

Teaching weeks: 15


Luísa Manuela da Costa Ramos de CarvalhoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 1,33
Luísa Ramos de Carvalho   1,33

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The overall objective of this Course is to observe the relational dynamics in the classroom and with external partners and understand its implications in the act of learning and teaching.
In this sense it is intended that the students are able to:
- Understand the teacher's relationship with the student or group of students; a student with another or with the peer group; the teacher with other professionals and parents, as well as relational difficulties within a classroom, a group and analyze how the professional can solve.
- Understand that subjectivity, interiority are present in all interpersonal relationships, particularly in the pedagogical relationship.
- Understanding with the observation of self and other, relational phenomena such as aggression, dependency, passivity, projection, etc; analyze the teacher's personality place in the profession and agree to engage in a reflection on ways of working.
- Analyze the refusal to learn and the reactions they cause to the teacher.
- Understand the need to facilitate and request the involvement of families in the development / learning process of children and youth whose education is in charge.


. The pedagogical relationship, relational and affective dimensions
II. The professions of the human. Education, profession impossible?
Psychoanalysis III.Contribuições for education
On the unconscious and the structure of personality
On child sexuality and its consequences
Psychoanalysis and learning difficulties
IV. The authority, submission, violence: psychoanalytic contributions to the interpretation of arbitrary power.
V. The desire and refusal to learn and the resistance core or teaching time
SAW. The professional experience of teachers: a well-organized maze
VII. Relationship with parents and communities. Parents as educators

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Build professional skills is to learn to face the diversity and complexity of situations, identifying what approaches and distinguishes it from similar situations (but not equal).

Teaching methodologies

The program will be organized around their own content and will be developed alternately. The expository times follow-up times of debate. The texts read from time to small group, here are moments of plenary debate.

The tutorial monitoring, personal or group will consist of orientation and organization of the study of the themes to deepen, in addition to answering questions arising therefrom. It can be done in person or at a distance.

It is expected that each student participate in the discussion of the issues under consideration and the proposed work; (B) read, analyze and discuss the proposed texts; (C) perform the requested evaluation of products, demonstrating with clarity and rigor, the knowledge acquired; (D) be involved in the study / preparation for the various evaluation activities.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Work in this UC takes into account not only the trainees' experience in work contexts - the classroom, his biographical path and also the sense of their own experiences, their interiority.
Education is made of communication, relationships that only make sense in the story of a lifetime.
To focus on the interiority of the subject to UC, seek not only enhance the ability to communicate intersubjectively, but cause this communication.
In this perspective the knowledge and skills acquired by students in their various contexts of life are considered key resources. It is intended that the knowledge acquired by students will be built based on knowledge previously held and in conjunction with these same knowledge.
To address the affective phenomena, you must not be afraid of difficulties and feelings, it is this sense that we thereby favoring methodologies that encourage and facilitate communication supported by the knowledge of the human sciences, including the contributions of psychoanalysis.
assessment methodology and evidence

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous assessment will focus on the working sessions, the processes used and academic productions of the students. Each student must produce a personal work consisting of an exploratory test of the program's themes. The delimitation of the subject should be negotiated with the teacher.
The weight of this product in the final classification assigned to each student is 100%.

Attendance system

Continuous evaluation


A. Abraham (1982). Le monde intérieur des Enseignants. Paris: Editions ESF.
Arènes Renes, J. Sarhous-Lajus, N. (2005). La défaite de la volonté. Figures comteporaines du destin, Paris, Seuil.
Bloss, Peter (1994). Adolescence. A psychoanalytic interpretation. São Paulo: Martins Fontes
Bruner, J. (2000). education culture. Lisbon: Issues 70
Cifali, M. (1994). Le lien éducatif: contre-jour psychanalytique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Cifali, M. Moll, J. (1985). Pedagogie et psychanalise. Paris: Dunod.
Cifali, M (1998). Eduquer, un métier impossible. Dilemmes actueles. Eres, 34,
CRESAS. (1991). Naissance d'une pédagogie interactive. Paris: ESF Éditeur.
Diatkine, R. (1986). What is a teenager? Alter Ego: Lisbon.
Dolto, F. (1980). The awakening of the spirit, Lisbon 70 editions.
(1981). Au jeu du désir, Paris, Seuil.
(1981). La difficulté de vivre, Paris: Éditions Inter.
(1981). You and the child. Lisbon: Don Quixote.
(1982). Psychoanalysis and paediatrics. Lisbon: Don Quixote.
Filloux, J. (1974). Du contract pédagogique. Paris: Dunod
Freud, A. (1959). Initiation à la psychanalise pour éducateurs. Toulouse, Privat
Mannoni, M. (1973). Éducation Impossible. Paris, Seuil
Mauco, G. (1970) L'inconscient et la psychologie de l'enfant, Paris: PUF
(1978). Psychoanalysis and education. Lisbon: Moraes editors.
Merle, P. (2005). L 'Elevate humilié. Paris: PUF.
Miller, A. (1990). C'est pour ton bien: racines de la violence dans l'education de l'enfant. Paris: Aubier.
Pereira, F. (1992). Interpersonal relations. Construction of knowledge and education. Magazine Portuguese Psychoanalysis. Organ of the Portuguese Society of psychoanalysis. No April 1992. Pg. 153-167
Piaget, J. (1920). La psychanalyse dans ses rapports avec la psychologie de l'enfant. Bulletin de la Société Alfred Binet, 131
Winnicott, D. (1978). . L'enfant et le monde extérieur, Paris: Payot
(1975). Jeu et Realite. Paris: Gallimard

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