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Management of Infrastructure and Sports Equipment

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: DESP2010    Acronym: GIED
Scientific Fields: Ciências do Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DESP 23 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Mário André da Cunha EspadaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,20
Fernando Rocha   3,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Develop the capacity to promote processes in this field, particularly in the design, execution, animation and management of sports venues and facilities.

To master the fundamentals, the theoretical and theoretical-practical knowledge, the main instruments of analysis and intervention, the processes, the techniques and the necessary normative, to the exercise of superior competences in the field of the management of the sports facilities.

Demonstrate a high capacity of intervention in the management of sports spaces and the activities that take place in them.

Acquire an overview of the planning and management process of a sports facility and its legal, social, economic, environmental, territorial and political implications.

Characterize the different phases of the planning and management of a sports facility.
Specific knowledge of each work area, with reference to the human structures, associated resources and the most frequent risks, as well as the main strategies of planning, control and management.

Know how to adapt and adapt the knowledge acquired to the diversity of sports facilities that currently emerge in the face of the actions of the multiple sports, educational, administrative and commercial organizations.

Know how to apply the knowledge to a specific case of analysis, adapting proposed analysis models and concluding on effective management measures that contribute to the efficiency and functional quality of a given installation.


Sporting Goods. Sports facilities: concept, spatial and sports coding. Sports facility, infrastructure, complex, enclosure, base unit, core, competition area, etc.

Typologies of Facilities. Basic / Recreation and Formative Sports Facilities; Specialized or Monodisciplinary Sports Facilities; Sports Facilities for the Sport Show. Natural spaces of Recreation and Sport - Protected and unprotected spaces. Natural parks, protected landscapes, beaches, public domain, urban parks, recreational parks and theme parks. Sports spaces, annexes, technical and complementary.

The Planning and Construction of Sports Facilities. Sports Facilities and Environment; Sports Facilities and Urban Planning; Legal Framework of Sports Facilities. The Planning of Sports Facilities: Programming Norms; Technical team; Viability studies; Planning Studies; Design of a Sports Facility; Structure, objectives and location; The process of obtaining license for commissioning.

The management of the facilities. Base management indicators: Space; Time; Material resources; Humans; Financial; Information. Types of management: public, partial, concessionary and private management. Fundamental and complementary vocation. The Technical Responsibility of the management of a sports facility. The Regulation governing the management of sports facilities; Access management; Sports management / management of activities. Environmental Management Systems (SGA).

Economic aspects in the management of Sports Facilities. Life cycle; revenue and expenditure; costs of use; indicators.

Quality Management in Sports Facilities. Introduction to the dynamics of Quality Management applied to sports facilities - EFQM, CAF, TQM; Processes, Products and Services. The books of registry, sanitary control and complaints.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The programmatic contents are in total coherence with the objectives of the UC, starting with the approach of general concepts on planning and management of sports facilities, with the later approach of diverse and transversal knowledge essential for understanding and dealing with the dynamics and the specificity of a sports facility, according to the objectives of its construction, its operation, the type of management, the target public, its vocation and its strategy of action in the pursuit of quality in the process of sports development .

Teaching methodologies

Lectures of expository nature of presentation of contents.
Classes directed to the survey of questions and the development of practical studies. Presentation of themes; Analysis and discussion of scientific texts; The accomplishment of practical works.
Face-to-face and distance support in the orientation of the research of the themes under study / Presentation by external guests of concrete cases of management of sports equipment / Visits to organizations and sports structures, for observation and analysis of different contexts and models of intervention and management in Sports.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

It is intended that future graduates develop the ability to initiate processes for the design, execution, animation and management of sports venues and facilities, dominating the fundamentals, the main analytical and intervention tools, processes, techniques and regulations necessary to exercise of superior skills in the management of sports facilities. It is also intended that they show a high capacity of intervention in the management of the sports areas and their activities, acquiring a global vision of the planning process and management of a sports facility and its legal, social, economic, environmental and territorial implications and policies. Students will learn to adjust and adapt their knowledge to the diversity of sports facilities that currently emerge from the actions of the existing sports, educational, administrative and commercial organizations.
It is considered perfectly coherent with these learning objectives in UC, the initial methodology of expository classes of presentation and discussion of the themes derived from the contents and of classes directed to the survey of questions and to the development of practical studies. In this way the students have access in a dynamic and interactive way to acquire theoretical and theoretical-practical knowledge regarding the contents of the UC.
In a second phase teaching methodology is developed in a more practical way, presenting, reading, researching, analyzing and discussing scientific texts about sports facilities, allowing the learning process to evolve towards a more authentic contact with the reality of sports facilities and diversity of variables and factors that involve its management and functioning, carrying out a practical work of observation, analysis and evaluation of a concrete sports facility, aiming at an early contact with the labor market and the labor reality in the context of the organization of events sports Thus, the student can experience the importance and interaction between the theoretical contents taught and the practice, feeling more concretely the development of their abilities and skills, to analyze and deal with the phenomena proper to the management of sports organizations.
In a third phase the student is actually confronted with practical reality, thus achieving one of the most important objectives of his training, which is to see and hear the concrete cases, sometimes so far removed from the basic theoretical frameworks learned.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation is continuous and consists of two components: one process and the other product.

Process Evaluation (30%)
It results from the performance of the student in performing various types of tasks, such as: research and production of written summaries, practical / applied works, reviews, reports, oral presentations, critical participation, etc.

Product Review (70%)
It is expressed by the student's performance in a written test.

Attendance system

Each student is expected to: (a) be present in at least 75% of the classes and participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in the accomplishment of the various works proposed; (b) read the supporting texts and be prepared to analyze and discuss the topics presented; (c) carry out the tasks and the work programmed, clearly and accurately evidencing

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


Baker, R. & Esherick, C. (2013). Fundamentals of Sport Management. Human Kinetics: Leeds.

Cunha, L.M., (2012). Os Espaços do Desporto - Uma Gestão para o Desenvolvimento Humano. Editora Almedina. ISBN: 9789724032450.

Bento, J. & Constantino, J. (coord). (2012). Desporto e Municípios: Políticas, práticas e programas. Visão e Contextos: Lisboa.

Fried, G. (2011). Managing Sports Facilities. Human Kinetics: Leeds.

Pedersen, P., Parks, J.B., Quarterman, J., Thibault, L. (2011). Contemporary Sport Management (4ª eds). Human Kinetics, Champaign: Illinois.

Trenberth, L. & Hassan, D. (2011). Managing Sport Business: An Introduction. Routledge: London.

Westerbeek, H, Smith, A, Turner, P. Emery, P., Green, C., Van Leeuwen, L. (2005). Managing Sport Facilities and Major Events. Routledge: London.

Sarmento, J.P. (2004). Qualidade de gestão das instalações e novo perfil do gestor

Página gerada em: 2024-06-09 às 08:30:14