Research Seminar on Pedagogical Practices
Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - A
Code: |
MP1C20020 |
Acronym: |
Scientific Fields: |
Área Educacional Geral |
Acronym |
N. of students |
Study Plan |
Curricular year |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
25 |
Study Plan |
2º |
9,0 |
108 |
243,0 |
Teaching language
Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)
In this curricular unit, students must achieve the following set of objectives:
• Research, analyze and mobilize studies and scientific literature relevant to research and intervention in education;
• Mobilize knowledge from various areas of knowledge to understand the complexity of societies and the contexts and processes in which educational phenomena are inserted;
• Knowing and mobilizing research methods and techniques with a view to developing research projects in education;
• Understand, organize and properly plan the stages of a research project;
• Understand the main ethical issues inherent to research in education;
• Communicate effectively, using the Portuguese language for academic purposes and technological tools.
Taking into account these objectives, the student must demonstrate the following learning:
Reveals skills for questioning contexts and knowledge, namely in the context of the study of educational processes;
Identifies, enunciates and develops study and research issues in the educational field, in the multidimensionality of their manifestations and in relation to the contexts in which they are framed;
Understands and mobilizes information from a variety of texts of varying complexity;
Comprehensively describe the context of the intervention/traineeship based on data collected through different research techniques;
Knows the different research methods and techniques, understands their conditions of use and uses them appropriately in the development of projects;
Program the action steps taking into account the resources and time available;
Integrates care of an ethical nature in the development of the research project;
Reveals communication skills, expressing oneself in a clear and structured way and using technological tools appropriately.
Research in Education and Teaching Professional Knowledge
• Research in education:
• characteristics and specificity
• epistemological paradigms and approaches
• Educational practice, theory and research: relationships and interdependencies;
• Ethics in research in education;
• The specificity and complexity of teaching professional knowledge.
General research methods in education
• Nature and fundamentals;
• Methodological pathways;
• Techniques and procedures for gathering and analyzing information.
Stages of the Investigation process
• Planning an investigation;
• Definition of objective(s) and research questions;
• Literature review and construction of the analysis model;
• Selection of participants;
• Choice and justification of methods, techniques and instruments for gathering information;
• Information analysis.
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes
Educational research is today recognized as a fundamental tool in understanding educational phenomena, but it is also seen as a process of building knowledge at the most diverse levels that can support and encourage educational innovation as well as professional development itself. However, the complexity of educational acts requires comprehensive investigation processes of this same reality.
Thus, this program intends to be an important contribution to this imperative task of accessing and understanding the complexity of educational acts, both in terms of their contextualized practices, but also their symbolic meanings. This perspective calls for a rigorous but open approach to educational research.
Teaching methodologies
The work methodologies used seek to facilitate the construction of meaningful learning for the student in this final stage of their initial training. The activities to be developed will seek to achieve the objectives of the course through the articulation of the contents defined in this program with the needs and experiences of the students within the scope of research practices already developed (or in development) in their academic and professional path.
Thus, the following work processes are foreseen:
Individual study based on reading and understanding scientific articles and research reports in education;
Analysis and interpretation, collectively and in small groups, of scientific articles and research reports on pedagogical practices;
Debates on the ethical issues of research in education;
Sessions for the methodological framework of the work to be developed by the students, namely in the form of Seminars where the generic methodological framework of the Project will be carried out, for launching ideas (“Brainstorming”) or for the collective discussion of partial products;
Production and presentation of works, in an intermediate phase and in a final phase;
Sessions attended by the master's teaching team, namely teaching supervisors of internships and research projects.
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
The work methodologies used in this UC seek to facilitate the construction of meaningful learning for the student by promoting articulation with the experiences, work and learning arising from the other UCs of the course.
In this way, the activities to be developed seek to achieve the objectives of the UC through the articulation of the contents defined in this program with the needs and experiences of the students in the scope of research practices already developed and in development in their academic and professional path. It is also intended to provide opportunities to approach the scientific culture in education, academic writing and its relationship with the exercise of the teaching profession.
Throughout the year, students will develop a research project on pedagogical practice in close articulation with the UC of Stage IV. Given this characteristic, efforts will be made, whenever possible, to extend the presentation of works to the teaching team that will assume the supervision of internships and research project reports. For this reason there are different ways of working depending on the rationale of this UC but also depending on the needs of the students. The decisive importance of distance support is highlighted here, both via the Moodle platform and by email, for the submission of students' work and the respective feedback by the teachers. Also in terms of evaluation, there is coherence between the objectives of this UC and the needs of the students for the report of the research component of the internship to be developed in the UC of Internship IV, namely in terms of the construction of the problem, the definition of the study design and the rationale for the methodology to be used in their work project, taking into account the characteristics of academic writing.
Assessment methodologies and evidences
Within the scope of this UC, continuous and formative assessment will be carried out through the following elements:
– Participation of students in activities proposed in class;
– Work carried out individually by the students, namely the “Preliminary Project” and the “Methodological Project” (with a weight of 50% in the final classification);
– Work carried out in pairs (preferably by the internship pair) which consists of the comprehensive characterization of the internship context using data collection strategies (with a weight of 25% in the final classification);
– Work carried out in groups consisting of reading and analyzing a research report (with a weight of 25% in the final classification).
All works will be subject to formative evaluation, through the use of feedback by the teachers and which will take the form of the opportunity to review each work delivered; they will also be subject to summative evaluation, weighing the two versions delivered by the students.
A guiding script will also be provided for each work, which will be made available on the Moodle page of the UC and the dates of the first delivery (which will be subject to analysis and return with feedback) and the second delivery (which will be the final version of each work) will be negotiated. ).
Afonso, N. (2005). A investigação naturalista em educação: um guia prático e crítico. Asa.
Amado, J. (2014). Manual de investigação qualitativa em educação. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Alves, M. G., & Azevedo, N. R. (2010), Investigar em Educação. Desafios da construção do conhecimento e da formação dos investigadores num campo multi-referenciado. UIED.
Bogdan, R. & Bliken, S. (2013) Investigação Qualitativa em Educação. (12.ª edição) Porto Editora.
Coutinho, C. (2013). Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas: Teoria e Prática. Edições Almedina.
Ghiglione, R. & Matalon, B (2001). O inquérito: teoria e prática. Celta. (4.ª edição). 2001.
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Lessard-Hébert, M.; Goyette, G. & Boutin, G. (2005). Investigação qualitativa: fundamentos e práticas. Instituto Piaget. (2.ª edição)
Máximo-Esteves, L. (2008). Visão panorâmica da Investigação-acção. Porto Editora.
Pinto, J. & Silva, A. (2009). Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Edições Afrontamento (15ª ed.).
Roldão, M. C. (2007). Função docente: natureza e construção do conhecimento profissional. Revista Brasileira de Educação, 94-103.
Lopes da Silva, M. I. (2013). Prática educativa, teoria e investigação. Interacções, 283-304.
Tuckman, B. W.(2012). Manual de Investigação em Educação. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (4.ª edição)