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Tourism and Active Leisure

Scholar Year: 2019/2020 - 1S

Code: DN14    Acronym: TLA
Scientific Fields: Turismo e Lazer
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPDN 20 4,0 36 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Paulo Alexandre Correia NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 2,40
Amílcar Antunes   2,40

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

1. Provide training that allows the technical professional superior of Nature Sports to have adequate qualification for the technical-pedagogical intervention in the field of Active Tourism and Leisure as an agent of social, economic and cultural development.

2. To train students with skills in the analysis and interpretation of information related to Active Tourism and Leisure, in order to become interactive in related areas, taking as reference variables temporal, organizational, economic and social issues.

3. To relate the acquired theoretical concepts with concrete situations characteristic of the Sports of Nature practices.


1. Tourism, contexts and practices
1.1. Concepts.
1.1.1. Relationship between concepts.
1.2. Forms of tourism.
1.3. Basic units.
1.4. The professions of tourism.
1.5. The tourism market and the motivation.
1.6. The demand and the tourist offer: general approach.

2. Structure of tourism activity
2.1. Structure of the tourist market.
2.2. Tourist Classification.
2.3. Tourist typologies.
2.4. Motivation factors and corresponding tourist typologies.

3. International tourism
3.1. The Global Importance of Tourism.
3.2. Significant data of its evolution.
3.2.1. Principles of Sustainability in Tourism.
3.2.2. World Tourism Ethics Code.
3.3. The supranational tourism organizations.
3.4. Prospects for the future of the sector.
3.4.1. Quantitative perspectives.
3.4.2. Qualitative perspectives.

4. National tourism
4.1. The institutional and operational structure of Tourism in Portugal.
4.2. The Law of Tourism Bases: general approach.
4.3. The National Strategic Plan for Tourism: A General Approach.

5. Sports and Active Leisure
5.1. Emergency of the Society of Leisure and Consumption.
5.2. Leisure and Recreation: Contexts and Practices.
5.2.1. Case Study: Guide to Good Practices in Accessibility and Active Tourism.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The program contents reflect a theoretical framework in the field of active tourism and leisure, from a perspective of practical application, having as reference variables the temporal, organizational, economic and social issues.

Teaching methodologies

The discipline is semiannual and the organization of the syllabus is based on two parts: one part for theoretical studies and another for the application of theory.

For practical / applied studies the working methods are diversified and according to the objectives of each class. The most frequently performed by the students are the presentation of topics, discussion panels, individual and / or small group work, the preparation of synthesis and reflection sheets on theory, fieldwork and project work.

The evaluation is continuous and the students integrated in it are subject, during the process, to the small practical work of reflection and / or deepening of the study carried out, as well as specific situations of questioning.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Special emphasis is placed on interactive methodologies, teaching by discovery, involving students in the teaching-learning process, focused on an approach of theoretical concepts referenced by scientific research and its application to practical situations.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Evaluation and classification
The assessment of the UC "Tourism and Active Leisure" is based on the continuous evaluation system, which is based on process and product moments. They are valences of the continuous evaluation:
At the process level
- Exercises carried out in classes, individual and / or group assignments - 50%

Product level
- A written test - 50%

Attendance system

Attendance Regime:
a) Be present in 80% of the classes and participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in the accomplishment of the proposed works.

b) Read the supporting bibliography and be prepared to analyze and discuss the topics presented.

c) Perform the tasks and the work programmed, evidencing with clarity and rigor the appropriation of the knowledge on the matter.


Carvalho, P. & Rui, L. (2008). Turismo de Prática Desportiva: Um Segmento do Mercado do Turismo Desportivo. Disponível em: Http://Mpra.Ub.Uni-Muenchen.De/10959/.
Cunha, L. (2012). Turismo em Portugal: Sucessos e Insucessos. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófona.
Cunha, L. (2013). Introdução ao Turismo (5ª Edição). Lisboa: Lidel.
Dumazedier, J. (1999). Sociologia Empírica do Lazer. São Paulo. Perspectiva, 1914, tradução em 1999.
Dumazedier, J. (2000). Lazer e Cultura Popular. São Paulo: Perspectiva – SESC.
Larizzatti, F. (2005). Lazer e Recreação para o Turismo. Rio de Janeiro: Sprint.
Turismo de Portugal. (2014). Guia de Boas práticas de acessibilidades - Turismo Ativo. Federação portuguesa de desportos para pessoas com Deficiência.


Students with special status, who can not be present at the scheduled sessions, must inform the teacher of this status in the first fifteen days of classes, and will be adapted an evaluation model according to the possibilities and particular conditions of attendance of the students involved, in order to allow the monitoring of classes and their continuous evaluation.

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