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Public Relations and Advertising

Scholar Year: 2016/2017 - 2S

Code: OP00030    Acronym: RPP
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 18 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria Alcina Velho Dourado da SilvaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Alcina Dourado   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Any student who wishes to develop in the future a profession related to Public Relations (PR) and / or Advertising (PUB) must be able to master their fundamental concepts, as well as to know and use minimally basic tools in these two domains . At present, it is no longer just the companies that seek to implement these two domains of communication. Organizations that use the professionals in these areas to achieve their objectives are increasingly in a larger number.
In this way, it is fundamental to adopt the position of the entrepreneur or the manager of the organization, framing the benefits that the use of PR and PUB can bring to the entity as a whole, its workers and consumers, as well as to the community and region in which is inserted.
This curricular unit aims, therefore, to contribute to broaden the knowledge in these two domains, facilitating the future integration of the student in a work context. It also aims to provide students with the first concepts and basic tools for the exercise of specific activities in PR and PUB.
In the case of the PR, it basically aims to equip students with the basic knowledge and skills to practice the PR profession in the most varied circumstances and institutions, even though the business context is privileged. This curricular unit is only addressed to those who are interested in this field of business communication and intend to work as a PR Technician or Press Advisor. In the case of PUB, it is intended that the student learn to deal with the specific codes of the advertising language knowing the organization of its agents, basic techniques and applicability.
In the global context, students are expected to be familiar with the performance techniques of different publics and situations, with a view to their application, including new technologies, dominating the instruments and means of communication in PR and PUB in a multicultural environment, besides being able to define, apply and evaluate a PR and PUB plan, exercising creativity and constantly adapting to change.
This UC offered by the Department of Communication is part of the Study Plan of the 2nd year of the Social Communication Course.


.1. Objectives of the discipline, methodology and evaluation system
.2. Communication process
.3. Integrated marketing communication and communication mix
• Public relations
.1. Fundamental definitions and concepts
.2. Goals
.3. Public and Types of Communication
.4. Activities and instruments
.5. Mailing lists
.6. Press releases
.7. Press office
.8. The Public Relations Plan
• Advertising
.1. Fundamental definitions and concepts
.2. Objectives and Targets
.3. Agencies and other organizations in advertising
.4. Strategies and Advertising Creation
.5. Briefing and Creative Work Plan (Copy Strategy)
.6. The advertising message
.7. The mass media
.8. Advertising and mass media
.9. Media planning
• Conclusion
.1. Ethical and legal limits of PR activity and Advertising


Social sciences > Economics > Consumer economics > Consumer studies

Social sciences > Communication sciences > Public relations

Social sciences > Economics > Marketing > Advertising

Social sciences > Communication sciences

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The different topics to be addressed will be organized sequentially, with the first moment being dedicated to the Introduction to Public Relations and the 2nd dedicated to the Introduction to Publicity.

Teaching methodologies

The sessions will focus on the discussion in plenary and / or small groups as well as on exercises from the information provided directly by the teacher or using the texts and other materials made available in a timely manner through the distance learning platform.
Each face-to-face session will necessarily consist of theoretical and practical components, except if the constraints on access to the necessary equipment imply the division of weekly contact hours into theoretical and practical lectures. Emphasis on active methods, in particular foreseeing the use of discovery methods with presentation of problems, debate, autonomous work, mixed expository method, case studies and simulations that may involve reading, analysis and discussion of texts; Preparation and presentation of written works, including critical comments; Presentation and discussion of papers, with emphasis on the accomplishment of exercises proposed by the teacher.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The main effort will be dedicated to the developing of 2 workgoups that are an excelent opportunity to apply the aquired knowledge.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The work developed in the curricular unit will be subject to continuous and summative evaluation involving:
A) A group work - 40% of the grade;
B) A group work - 40% of the grade
(with completion and delivery on a date to be defined according to its own schedule)
C) Presence and participation in the two models of work adopted: face-to-face lectures and distance learning platform through practical exercises for each point of the program, individual and group - 20% of the grade.
Minimum mark of 6 values ​​for any of the evaluation elements.

Attendance system

In order to obtain an evaluation of the component c) the student must attend a minimum of 70% of face-to-face classes, except if he / she is a student worker, Erasmus student, repeater and / or covered by other special statutes - this should be communicated to the teacher during the first 15 days of school activity.
Worker-student students or those covered by other statutes recognized in the ESE / IPS who wish to enjoy their status are exempt from the participation grade in the classes and the 20% will be included in the grade of both workgroups. This option must be communicated in writing to the teacher.
It is expected that worker-students and equivalent situations that make it impossible for them to be present in the classroom sessions make their status known to the teacher and secretary during the first fifteen school days. In these cases, assiduity and participation in the distance learning platform is fundamental. Any change must be communicated in a timely manner in writing. Only cases will be considered in the portal of the ESE duly justified according to the rules in force.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0

Main Bibliography

Cabrero, José Daniel Barqueiro; Cabrero, Mario Barquero;O livro de ouro das Relações Públicas, Porto Editora, 2001
Brochand, Bernard; Lendrevie, Jacques; Rodrigues, Joaquim Vicente; Dionísio, Pedro;Publicitor, Porto Editora, 2001 (ou a versão mais recente)

Complementary Bibliography

Os recursos da uc estão disponíveis na plataforma de ensino a distância Moodle em

Bibliografia complementar e documentação de apoio: poderá ser disponibilizada ao longo da leccionação da disciplina nas aulas, junto dos serviços de papelaria da Escola e/ou através da plataforma de ensino a distância da ESE.
Lendrevie, Jacques; Lindon, Denis; Dionísio, Pedro; Rodrigues Vicente;Mercator XXI, Teoria e Prática do Marketing, Publicações D. Quixote, 2004 (ou a versão mais recente)


The complete and definitive program should be available on the Moodle platform and on the 'Contents' section of the UC in the ESE Portal after the first 15 days of full-time lecture activity, at which point the final version for the current academic year passes .
In this platform of distance learning will also be made available the necessary information to the full development of the Curricular Unit (UC), including summaries.
Students interested in access should validate their enrollment in this UC directly on the UC page at
If you are an authenticated user and want to access the full version of the Program, you can click on 'Contents' in the right column.
The teaching activity is according to the weekly schedule.

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