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Children's Literature

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 1S

Code: EDB30021    Acronym: LI
Scientific Fields: Formação na Área da Docência
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 46 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Luciano José dos Santos Baptista PereiraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 8,00
Luciano Pereira   8,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

To Deep the taste for critical reading of the literary text. To Deep the knowledge of the aesthetic features and formative literary texts for children. To Deep the importance of literary text to the personal, social and multicultural development of the child. To promote the overall development of transdisciplinary skills. Critically evaluate the importance of children's literature in textbooks of the first cycle of basic education, as well as editorial policies in other books for children. To Develop language skills varied around communication and literary text, focusing on descriptive productions, opinionated, argumentative and critical. To speak in a clear, structured and fluently about topics with special pedagogical, literary and cultural relevance. To value the different languages registers and their duties, with a focus on literary register. To think about the specific features of literary communication. To exercise analysis, production skills, interpretation and comparison of linguistic and literary communication, taking into account the various discursive and textual genres. To relate different art forms in pedagogical context. To justify and argue a critical views on literary and cultural heritage of its meaning, function and value. To assess, collect, select and organize texts/books with universal value and relevance of formation, with focus on contemporary texts. To understanding and appreciating texts and knowledge of other cultures relativising the differences. To understand the value of literary communication as a form of pedagogical intervention, social, civic and citizenship. To integrate ethical and aesthetic values of literary communication in your own speech. To produce materials in the field of children's literature. To extend the skills of reading, interpretation and production of symbolic and metaphoric language. To consider the relationship between the literary productions (scholarly) and said to-literary. To develop a taste for creative writing with poetical and literary features. To think about the reception mechanisms/textual production by the child. To produce materials, draw up strategies and try reading animation methods and the book.


The concepts of "literature", "childhood" and "children's literature".
The history of children's literature in Portugal.
Traditional literature: the myths, the songs, the litanies, tales, legends, fables and proverbs,
Children's literature in Portuguese-speaking countries.
The literary text reading:
-the theme;
-the structure;
-the symbols;
-the cosmovidência;
-your job training and playful at the same time;
Teaching and learning of reading of the literary text:
-Preparation of reading
-Animation of reading
-The importance of space,
-The function of voice and body,
-The role play and other forms of representation.
-Assessment of reading skills
The illustration.
The children's theatre.
The authors focus on: Ana de Castro Osório, John of God, Aquilino Ribeiro, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Eugénio de Andrade, Matilde Rosa Araújo, Hina rock, António Torrado, Norberto Avila, Anabela Mimoso, Cecília Meireles, Manuel Bandeira.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

We will focus on the contents of children's literature, its history, its concepts, its specificity, communicative, linguistic semiotics and thematics. The goals are aimed at the development of specific competencies of the different areas with focus on the different skills of critical reading of the literary text. Research and pedagogical perspective lead the students to reflect on the texts as facilitators of learning, integrating the various areas of knowledge, opening horizons to other cultures, equating forms of animation and exploitation of literary texts. The reflection about the specificity, of books, texts of the writings, authors, cultures want to first of all enjoy the aesthetic and playful dimension, frame, support and reinforce the acquisition and development of language and skills metalinguísticas.

Teaching methodologies

Production of critical, descriptive texts, opinionated, argumentative and literary features. Drafting publicity materials and teaching, training, animation and entertainment. Debates and round tables. Field work. Project work. Communication, oral and written presentation of the results of studies and research.
Preparation of reading, book reviews, reviews of works of literary analysis and interpretation; production of playful and/or didactic materials around literary works; preparation of surveys on reading habits, and about her relationship with the literary text; observation and data collection about the books and their use. Viewing of video materials about the animation of the book, the illustration and children's theatre. Visit of areas dedicated to the book, the children's literature and its animation.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Children's literature is a universe of a cultural richness that can't be ignored by teachers and educators.
In addition to allow the child to take a deeper awareness of yourself, of others and of the world, facilitates the arrest of problems that affect and their subsequent resolution.
Much of the so-called children's literature is repository of our deepest collective memory. Is part of our cultural identity. Enlighten us about our cosmovidência and about our origins allowing us a more consistent construction of our future. The students of this Cu are invited to search, read and interpret the books for children from the perspective of the educator which aims to contribute to the overall development of the child and to the development of taste for books, by language and by the literary record. In addition to the different ways of sharing the findings (of index, book reviews, interpretations and comments), the students are invited to produce materials, prints and other for the animation of the readings.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Students will be evaluated according to their attendance and participation as well as according to the quality of their individual and group work. At this stage of the course, considered oral participation and the correct field of writing essential research skills, the quality of the teaching materials developed personal appreciation factor.
In addition to daily participation and group work, students will be subject to a comprehensive assessment.
The final ranking will be a mirror of the evaluation in the three following items:
1. Attendance and participation (10%)
2. Co-dynamization of a lesson (10%);
3. research work (Group, exceptionally and justifiably single) (20%);
4. oral presentation of research paper (10%)
5. overall evaluation exercise (50%).

Students who report to note improvement examination, provided they have obtained a final ranking more than eight values in the final evaluation process, will have only to present and discuss orally and publicly a portfolio where showing some of the mandatory elements produced during its preparation (at least two sheets of original reading and an individual and original research). In the latter case the evaluation will be global.

Attendance system

The evaluation of the students under normal frequency and essentially formation. Will be based on diverse processes in order to evaluate also the skills of reception and textual production as well as the ability to produce unique teaching materials and its pivot.
Students under the special scheme of frequency may be assessed continuously since they watch at least 50% of the classes. For these students, the group can be replaced by an individual job.
Students who do not meet the minimum requirements to be evaluated according to the model of continuous evaluation will have to report the semester exam.


ALBUQUERQUE, Fátima. A Hora do Conto. Lisboa: Editorial Teorema, 2000.
Barreto, G. - Literatura para crianças e jovens em Portugal. Porto: Campo das Letras, col. Campo da Literatura/Ensaio (18), 1998.
BASTOS, G. – Literatura infantil e juvenil. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 1999.
BETTELHEIM, Bruno. Psicanálise dos Contos de Fadas. Amadora: Livraria Bertrand, 1984.
BLOCKEEL, Francesca. Literatura Juvenil Portuguesa Contemporânea: Identidade e Alteridade. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho, 2001.
COELHO, N.- Literatura infantil: história, teoria, análise. 3ªed. refundida. S. Paulo: Quíron, col. Logos, 1984.
COSTA, M. M.- O Bruxo e a Princesa... ou o conto maravilhoso em produções de alunos do Ensino Básico. Universidade Nova de Lisboa: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, col. de Teses, Série Mestrado [Edição fotocopiada], 1993.
COSTA, Maria. No Reino das Fadas. Lisboa: Fim de Século Edições Lda., 1997.
DINIZ, Maria. As Fadas Não Foram à Escola. Porto: Edições ASA, 1993.
FONSECA, M.- Literatura infantil: da reflexão dos textos: antologia. Setúbal: ESE, 1994.
GOMES, José António - A Poesia na Literatura para a Infância. Porto: Edições ASA, 1993.
JESUALDO – A Literatura infantil. 3ª ed. S. Paulo: Cultrix, 1985.
LEITE, Carlinda, RODRIGUES, M. de Lurdes - Contar um Conto, acrescentar um Ponto - Uma abordagem intercultural na análise da literatura para a infância. Porto: Edições Afrontamento 1.ª Edição, 2000.
MANZANO, M. G. – A criança e a leitura. Trad. Port., Porto: Porto Editora, col. Crescer, 1988.
PEREIRA, Luciano. Os Animais e os Contos Tradicionais Portugueses. Setúbal: Escola Superior de Educação de Setúbal, 1991.
PEREIRA, Luciano. Literatura para a Infância, Textos de apoio. ESE Setúbal 1994/95.
ROCHA, N. – Breve história da literatura para crianças em Portugal. 2ª ed. Lisboa: ICALP, Ministério da Educação, col. Biblioteca Breve, 1992.
SILVA, V. M. – Nótula acerca do conceito de literatura infantil. In SÁ, D.- A literatura infantil em Portugal: achegas para a sua história. Braga: Editorial Franciscana, 1981.
SILVA, V. M. – Teoria da literatura. 8ª. ed. Coimbra: Liv. Almedina, 1990.
TRAÇA, Maria. O Fio da Memória. Do Conto Popular ao Conto para Crianças. Porto: Porto Editora, 1992.


At the end of the work, the expected learnings are around 3 major areas: (a) ability to research, organization and management of information, showing proper ownership and original and creative use of different concepts; (b) production of oral and written texts of genres, modes, records, dimensions and variables with emphasis on the problems of description and interpretation of literary and books for children. The communicative and linguistic skills reading specific highlight in summaries, reports, sheets, reviews, criticism and opinion texts of literary criticism ...; (c) public presentation of work.

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