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International Semester

Acronym: SIESE
Start: 2016/2017
Coordinator: Miguel Figueiredo

The International Semester of School of Education is conceived to all undergraduate students (incoming) in the context of transnational mobility programs of Higher Education, who intend to study at ESE during the 2nd half of the academic year.

The International Semester is composed by Curricular Units (CU) lectured by School of Education teachers, in English, providing a high level learning opportunity for international students who do not master the Portuguese language. This multidisciplinary program can be seen as a complement to the existing CU offer in the School of Education diplomas.

The School of Education offers a significant range of choice of UC and also flexibility of choice for those who opt for it — in the areas of general education, Language and Culture, History and Citizenship as the more specific areas of Arts, Social Communication, Sport, Community Development and Sociocultural Intervention , Education and ICT.

This learning offer is in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System, and it is an excellent opportunity to study in a EU country, particularly in a city with strong tourism, social and cultural tradition.

The main purpose of the International Semester is to contribute to the development of broader perspectives of understanding and knowledge of other realities, for the extension of personal contacts and the deepening of interpersonal relationship skills, and to enhance knowledge of other cultures and ways of being and doing.

The offer of these Curricular Units is based on the following principles:

  • flexibility – from a supply base consisting of 9 UC with 5 ECTS each (45 ECTS in total), students can choose those that are best suited to their interests and motivations;
  • transversal - UC offered are transversal to the different scientific areas and professionals from the ESE courses and diplomas, such as Education, Community Development and Sociocultural Intervention, Sport, Social Communication and Arts;
  • articulation - the curricula of the CU seek to articulate knowledge and skills in relevant areas to students, following a logic of knowledge integration.

It aims to promote meaningful learning — through methodologies and teaching strategies, student centered techniques, building contextualized projects involving the coordination / integration of knowledge and skills, and also in tutorials support provided by teachers.

Study Plans

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