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Esqueceu a sua senha de acesso?

Construction of a Life Project

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: PG_EE10    Acronym: CPV
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
PG_EE 24 3,0 15

Teaching weeks: 15


Carla Cibele Fiel Vasconcelos FigueiredoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 1,00
Luísa Ramos de Carvalho   0,67
Luzia Lima-Rodrigues   0,17

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

It is intended that students develop a set of knowledge and skills to enable them to exercise their profession in a lucid and safe manner with regard to the reflected and shared construction of transition projects for children / young people with SEN.
These projects, while focusing on each individual, should be elaborated in a shared way and integrating input from other family and / or social or institutional actors. Thus, students should not only confront different conceptions and models of life projects, analyzing the meaning of each one of them in concrete people, but also learn to create synergies with a view to optimizing the human and material resources for achieving them of the same.
Students are expected to acquire knowledge and skills related to:
- Differentiated life paths, particularly relevant in people with cognitive and / or motor deficits;
- Analysis of the experiences and the existential paths of children / young people with SEN, with a view to the projection of a future that integrates and optimizes their potential;
- Identification of "areas of competence" in favor of social / professional integration of children / young people with SEN;
- Determination of future trajectories for children / young people with SEN, identifying and mobilizing the actors that can contribute to their professional and / or social success;
- Acceptance of the emotional contradictions of families and young people and promotion of affective networks to support the transition processes.


2 - Programmatic Content:
It is intended that this program be flexible and evolutionary, reason why it is foreseen that throughout the work some adaptations can take place according to the interests and experiences of the students.
The program contents will be developed around the following axes:
1. Life stories
1.1 - Determination of significant elements that are recognized as inducers of change;
1.2 - Attribution of individual meanings and perception of others in the individual trajectories;
1.3 - Elements present in the expectations for the future: affective, social, professional.

2. The project of life as a structuring element of the construction of identity
2.1 - Who am I? What do I want? What am I capable of?
2.2 - Who are the others? How can I relate to them? What can I expect from them?
2.3 - What social skills can I develop? What professional skills can I develop?

3.3. From awareness to the action plan and its regulation.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The aim of this UC is to equip students with knowledge and skills in the construction of life histories and personal life projects as instruments that can be used in education and social intervention, considering several phases of the life cycle and especially in times of transition and / or decision-making. The instrument is especially useful in adolescence and young people at risk. With regard to young people with NEE, it is crucial to think, identify the resources and trigger the windows of opportunity leading to the shared elaboration of transition projects for children / young people with NEE.

The confrontation with life histories (which can go through the reflection and identification of significant aspects of the individual's own history) and the analysis of elements associated to the identity construction, will allow to recognize structuring nuclei and facilitators of the construction of the transition projects of their students. On the other hand, in the case of highly sensitive issues (reinforced by the characteristics of the target population), the actors involved in the process should be able to develop positive attitudes that foster active dynamics of interaction and emotional balance.

Teaching methodologies

The teaching methodologies include the presentation of experiences gathered by the teacher or students, reading texts and discussion in the classroom, the use of techniques of a diversified nature (narratives, projective, dramatic ...) for application in certain phases of the process of construction, analysis of life histories and the elaboration of a life project.

Tutorial accompaniment is planned with the purpose of supporting and guiding students throughout the UC in carrying out the work, clarifying questions and doubts, providing advice and information; The monitoring will be done either in person or at a distance.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The nature of UC and the training public demand a close articulation between the sharing of experiences (of the subjects of the training themselves or of published reports) and activities of a theoretical-conceptual nature that make sense and organize these experiences. This methodological alternation allows spaces of conceptual analysis but also emotional space, giving rise to the reflection on the "other" starting from the "I" and the identification of critical elements in the elaboration of a life / transition project.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The student will be able to take several options to approach the theme for the elaboration of an individual work, from the realization of a life history and life project with a person of his choice, to the construction of a session of dynamics in small or large group for exploitation of identity issues based on resources appropriate to the age group in question.

Attendance system

100% presences

Main Bibliography

Wehman, P ;Transition From School to Work: Where Are We and Where Do we Need to Go?” , Disponível em, 2013
Santos, Teresa Alexandra Gomes Paula ;Transição para a Vida Ativa de Jovens com Necessidades Educativas Especiais”. ,, 2013

andmark, Leena Jo & Song Ju and Dalun Zhang (2010). “Substantiated Best Practices in Transition: Fifteen Plus Years Later”. In Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. Disponível em Mendes, Maria da Conceição Ribeiro (2010). “Transição para a Vida Adulta dos Jovens com Deficiência Mental”. Disponível em Miranda, Mª João & Ana Beja (2012). Programa de Treino de Competências Funcionais para Alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais. Psicosoma Taylor, Julie Lounds et al. (2012) “A Systematic Review of Vocational Interventions for Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders”. In Pediatrics. Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Disponível em Santos, Teresa Alexandra Gomes Paula (2013) “Transição para a Vida Ativa de Jovens com Necessidades Educativas Especiais”. Disponível em Wehman, P (2013). “Transition From School to Work: Where Are We and Where Do we Need to Go?” In Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. Disponível em Schoen-Ferreira, Teresa Helena et al (2003). “A construção da identidade em adolescentes: um estudo exploratório” in Estudos de Psicologia 2003, 8 (1), 107-115. Disponível em

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