From Scientific Production to Scientific Communication

Ficha de unidade curricular - Ano letivo 2020/2021

Code: OP00032
Acronym: PCCC
Section/Department: Science and Technology
Semester/Trimester: 1st Semester
Acronym Curricular Years ECTS
CS 5
Teaching weeks: 15
Weekly workload:
Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes
Head: Sílvia Cristina dos Reis Ferreira
Lectures: Ana Maria Dias Roque Lemos Boavida
Sílvia Cristina dos Reis Ferreira

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Mobilize multiple literacies in understanding the phenomena of the modern world.
Manages effectively information relevant to their academic and professional education.
Regulates its action according to the ethical principles and ethics of the profession.
Reveals autonomy in addressing and solving problems.
Analyzes and evaluates information sources for specific areas of knowledge.
Uses a scientific language appropriate to different contexts and audiences.
Reveals capacity for reflection on the role of the media in the dissemination and communication of science.
Analyzes journalism scientific papers identifying quality issues from the standpoint of scientific and journalistic as well as the credibility of the sources.


1. Science communication:
1.1Models of communication.
1.2 Characteristics of a science communicator.
2. Modalities of scientific journalism:
2.1 Types of periodicals and distinctive characteristics: generalist, sensational, popular and specialized periodicals.
2.2 Reading, analysis and critical review of selected texts of "science communication" in various types of periodicals and in reliable specialized books or magazines.
2.3 Production of scientific texts: criteria for conversion of a scientific article.
3. Analysis and discussion of critical texts that make news involving information related to Mathematics:
3.1 The ubiquity of social numbers.
3.2 The “use, nonuse, misuse and abuse” of mathematics that one does.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

In a course that aims to promote science communication from the perspective of promoting scientific culture, subjects must be seen in a critical perspective. As the course is also focused on the construction of texts for science communication through media, it seems appropriate to present not only the concepts and criteria related to the role of science communicators but also issues related to the reliability of information sources in science, technology and mathematics. Furthermore, scientific language, appropriate to diverse audiences on suitable media, it will be analyzed.

Teaching methodologies

The transformation of scientific knowledge in reliable journalistic information source will be systematically analyzed throughout the working sessions, providing a context for learning issues about the transformation of these languages.
Learning situations: a) Documentary research b) Discussion activities c) Analysis and interpretation of scientific and technical articles; d) Discussion of topics suggested by students and teachers e) Use of the interactive platform f) Production of texts or multimedia products aimed at disseminating scientific information to diverse audiences.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Teaching methodologies focus on student activity, taking into account the development of their scientific literacy, seen as the appropriation of basic concepts about the construction of scientific knowledge in its various dimensions, and also as the acquisition of critical analysis tools that facilitate citizen intervention. Activities of discussion are centered in STS controversial issues that reveal the recent interactions between science and technology with society. The diversity of sources and processes of information search and selection will be analyzed. Activities of discussion in online forums and / or through simulation with roleplaying, constitute powerful methodological tools to achieve the goals set out. The flexibility of selecting subjects for discussion aims to address the personal interests of students, focusing on the role of the media in communicating science.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Assessment is continuous and focuses on the processes and products of student work. The classification is obtained by the following relative weights: written assignments 70%; individual participation 30%.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


Buescu, J. (2007) O fim do mundo está próximo? Lisboa: Gradiva.
Buescu, J. (2011) Casamentos e outros desencontros. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Crato, N. (2007). Passeio aleatório. Pela ciência do dia-a-dia. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Endereços em WWW Unesco – Notícias de Ciência, Medicina e tecnologia Temas de ecologia Site da NASA Terra Ciência e Meio Ambiente Informação de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Revistas (consulta através da b-on) Nature Science New Scientist Scientific American La Recherche

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