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English for Professionals

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 2S

Code: IMSS2008    Acronym: EP
Section/Department: Department of Economics and Management


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MOBIL 25 Plan of Sudies International Module 4,5

Teaching weeks: 15


Elisabete Cristina Simões LopesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 0 3


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical-practical Totals 1 0,00
Elisabete Lopes   3,00
Practices Totals 1 3,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Students will:
• develop skills in systematic recording of new language and the use of dictionaries;
• recognize language types such as word partnerships (break into the market, carry out research, meet demand) and fixed expressions (as a rule, on the whole);
• develop strategies for reading and interpreting texts dealing with contemporary business issues;
• develop the capacity to write a short article in English about a topic in their professional context;
• develop skills in presenting a written report of academic work.
• develop skills in oral presentation of academic work.


• Career Management: job advertisements, recruitment processes, professional correspondence;
• Innovation: creativity versus innovation, responding to change and new ideas; SMEs
• Environmental ethics: problems and solutions;
• Entrepreneurship: its role in SMEs and corporations;
• Enterprise and public relations; the case of Intel;
• Current themes in the business world.
• E-business: case-studies;

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Active learning in the classroom and collaborative research outside class. (Not applicable in the current context)

Teaching methodologies

Due to the emergency plan activated due to the COVID-19, from the 26th March onwards, the teaching methodologies are:
ontinuous assessment adapted to distance learning model.

In accordance with the distance-learning model, we will adopt methodologies and strategies resorting to Moodle platform, Microsoft Teams and Zoom. The synchronous and asynchronous planned activities will include:

- Activities made available on Moodle platform (Texts, worksheets, Forums, Chats)
- Constant and synchronous support provided to students through the “Conversations” on Microsoft Teams
- Video classes via Zoom (to assess the current situation, to introduce a new topic, to carry out tutorials regarding doubts)

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Due to the emergency plan activated due to the COVID-19, from the 26th March onwards, the teaching methodologies are:

Continuous assessment adapted to an online distance learning model:

English evaluation test (25%)+ Moodle interaction and participation in tasks (25%) + English group project (50%).

Minimum mark: 10

Exam (for students who score less than 10):
Written exam- 50%
English Project and PowerPoint Presentation - 50%

Attendance system

Not applicable in the current period.

Main Bibliography

Mark Powell , Ron Martinez , Rosi Jillet , Charles Mercer ;New Business Matters, Heinle ELT, 2004. ISBN: 978-0759398566

Articles taken from specific business /professional magazines. Videos related to specific business/professional areas.


In order to get a mark, students must have completed the the English Project (written part and PowerPoint presentation).
The group project is a mandatory part of the assessment (50%) and its mark will also be taken into account as far as the recovery test is concerned (50%). Therefore, students who don't submit it, will not be graded.

Página gerada em: 2024-04-18 às 13:30:25