Investment Projects

Ficha de unidade curricular - Ano letivo 2018/2019

Code: IMAS1006
Acronym: IP
Section/Department: Department of Economics and Management
Semester/Trimester: 1st Semester
Acronym Curricular Years ECTS
Teaching weeks: 15
Weekly workload:
Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 1 2
Head: Agostinho Manuel de Inácio Bucha
Lectures: Agostinho Manuel de Inácio Bucha
Rui Carlos Marques Alves

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Students will be able on the successful completion of this course to:
- Identify the different types of investment;
- Know and inter-relate the steps of a project development;
- Develop and analyse a project;
- Adapt the financing process to the investment features;
- Have mastered the basic instruments for analysis for projects of sensitivity and risk.


I) Introduction
1.1. Concept of Project
1.2. Life Circle
1.3. Development Steps
II) Project Development
2.1. Market research
2.2. Location
2.3. Dimension (capacity)
III) Planning
3.1. Investment
3.2. Exploitation
3.3. Financing
IV) Viability Analysis
4.1. Economical
4.2. Financing
4.3. Social
4.4. Environmental
V) Capital Decisions
5.1. Investment Choice
5.2. Risk Management
VI) Selection / Settling / Control

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

To make and analyse an investment project

Teaching methodologies

Teaching Methodologies:
Theoretical Classes: Exposition method to introduce the different concepts and participation method to
understand how to do it;
Practical Classes: Learning methodology through exercises and group work

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

To provide a wide understanding of the changes of an enterprise/organization production capacity and to allow a balance of the favourable and unfavourable impacts of investment projects.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

•Continuous Evaluation: Test (50%) + Work / Investment Project (50%)

- Final Evaluation: Test (100%)


• Damodaran, Aswaht (2001), Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice, New York: John Wiley & Sons;
• Holmes, Phil, Investment Appraisal, (1998), London: International Thomson Business Press;
• Jordan, Bradford; Westerfield, Randolph; Ross, Stephen (2005), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Boston: McGraw-Hill;

Sites in Internet
• “Damodoran Online”, in ” ”, by Damodaran, A., Stern School of Business, New York;
• European Comission – Directorate Generale for Enterprise and Industry – Financing SMEs entrepreneurs & Innovators (2005), How to deal with the rating culture – A pratical guide to loan financing for small and medium – sized enterprises, Bruxelles, prepared by: European Comission – Directorate Generale for Enterprise and Industry;
• ““;
• Hurdling Risk” in “ ” by Douglas Hubbard;
• “Investiment in Human Capital Through Post-Compulsory Education and Training: Selected Efficiency and Equity Aspects” by Blondal, S., Field, S., Girouard, N., em

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