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Portuguese and Communication Techniques

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 1S

Code: DN05    Acronym: PTC
Scientific Fields: Lingua e Literatura Materna
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPDN 27 4,0 36 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Luísa da Piedade Melro Blazer Gaspar CostaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 2,40
Ana Boléo   2,40

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Diagnose the diversity of linguistic and textual practices present in the community.
- Recognize factors of linguistic variation (situational, social, geographical and diachronic).
- Distinguish specific properties from oral and written mode.
- Promote access to books and reading habits in the family.
- Develop reading comprehension strategies in different formats and for different purposes.
- Develop multifunctional writing skills.
- Mastering technological resources associated with reading and writing practices.


A. Domain of the Portuguese language as an instrument of cognition and communication
 - Contexts and communicative needs.
 - Language, linguistic community and speaker.
 - Linguistic competence, metalinguistic competence, communicative competence and discursive competence.
B. Language structure and functioning
 - Standard and linguistic variation.
 - Portuguese standard and situational, social and dialectal varieties (main phonological, syntactic and lexical aspects).
 - Varieties of Portuguese in the world (some phonological, syntactic and lexical aspects).
 - Variation and linguistic change (aspects of diachronic evolution).
C. Oral and written uses of the language
 - Text, gender and speech.
 - Textual typologies.
 - From oral to written: differentiating properties.
 - Spelling, accentuation and punctuation questions.
D. Development of Reading, Writing and Communication
 - Reading literacy, writing literacy and digital literacy.
 - Profiles of readers and habits of reading.
 - Strategies promoting the book and reading for appreciation of varied texts throughout life.
 - Strategies to support the development of reading to obtain information and knowledge construction.
 - Written production of several types of text (to solve everyday problems, such as personal and creative expression).
 - Reading and writing techniques in computer mediated media (verbal interactions in social networks, access to information on the Internet, reading of hypertext, filling of forms).
E. Communication Techniques
 - Evolution, types and behavioral attitudes in Communication.
 - Barriers and conditioning factors of the Communication.
 - Verbal and non-verbal communication.
 - Functions of verbal language.
 - Preparation, communication planning and oral construction.
 - Body communication and written communication;
 - Search, Collection and Selection of Information.
 - Importance of Audiovisual Media.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

For the development of the objectives related to the knowledge of concepts and properties of the language, as well as their uses, the basic resources are the contents related to language and linguistic normalization and instruments for analysis and description of the Portuguese language. The contents that focus on the domain of communicative practices in multimedia environment and reading of image will be naturally mobilized in the deepening of the objectives of the development of reading, writing and digital literacies.

Teaching methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes and seminars will include exhibition and debate around the themes of the program and the practical experimentation, individual and in group, of activities of reading, writing and reflection on the language. This theoretical-practical work in the classroom will be complemented by the research and reading of documents, articles and books, as well as the production of activities involving multifunctional writing skills and reading and writing practices in a multimedia environment.
It is also envisaged that practical work will be carried out using information and communication technologies.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Participation in exposure, debate, practical experimentation and research processes ensure the integration of knowledge, articulating content and objectives. The teaching methodologies give centrality to the development of students as autonomous professionals in the multifunctional domain of orality, reading and writing.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Assessment will include punctuality, attendance (a minimum of 75% attendance) and participation of students in class activities, as well as the performance of tasks.
The evaluation elements have the following weights:
- Punctuality, attendance, participation in classes and accomplishment of tasks: 10%.
- Practical (group) preparation and presentation of a project, including:
     . Written application: 25% (delivery on 13.12.17).
     . Oral presentation: 25% (presentations on 13 and 20.12.17).
- Curriculum vitae and cover letter (individual and face-to-face): 15% (10.01.17).
- Written (individual) report: 25% (until 07.01.17).

Attendance system

Mandatory - minimum of 75% attendance.


CARMELO, Luís (2005). Manual de escrita criativa. Biblioteca Universitária. Lisboa: Publicações Europa – América.
CERRILLO, Pedro & Santiago Yubero (orgs.) (2007). La formación de mediadores para la promoción de la lectura, 2.ª edición corregida, revisada y aumentada, Madrid: Centro de Estudios de Promoción de la Lectura y Literatura Infantil de la Universidad de Castilla - la Mancha.
COSTA, Maria Armanda (coord.) (2010). Muitas ideias, um mar de palavras - propostas para o ensino da escrita. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
DGIDC (2008). Dicionário terminológico para consulta em linha (DT). Lisboa: Ministério da Educação. [disponível em]
DUARTE, Inês (2000). Língua Portuguesa. Instrumentos de análise. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
DUARTE, Isabel Margarida (org.) (2002) Gavetas de leitura. Estratégias e materiais para uma pedagogia da leitura. Porto: Asa.
FERRONHA, António Luís (coord.) (1992). Atlas da Língua Portuguesa na História e no Mundo. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda. GRABE, William e Robert Kaplan (1996). Theory and practice of writing. Londres e Nova Iorque: Longman.
MARTINS, Margarida Alves (1996). Pré-história da aprendizagem da leitura. Lisboa: ISPA.
MATA, Lurdes (2006). Literacia familiar. Ambiente familiar e descoberta da linguagem escrita. Porto: Porto Editora.
MATEUS, Maria Helena Mira & Esperança Cardeira (2007). O essencial sobre a língua portuguesa: norma e variação. Lisboa: Caminho.
PINTO, Paulo Feytor (2009). Novo Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda.
RAPOSO, Eduardo Paiva, Maria Fernanda Bacelar do Nascimento, Maria Antónia Mota, Luísa Segura e Amália Mendes (orgs.) (2003).
Gramática do Português. 3 vols. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
VIANA, Fernanda Leopoldina & Maria Margarida Teixeira (2002). Aprender a ler: Da aprendizagem informal à aprendizagem formal. Porto: Edições Asa.
Outros recursos didáticos
CVC. Centro Virtual Camões. Ethnologue. Línguas do mundo.
Fundación Taller de Letras. Jordi Sierra i Fabra. Promoción de la lectura y la escritura. Gulbenkian. Casa da Leitura (práticas de promoção da leitura). ILTEC. Portal da Língua Portuguesa. Ler+ em Família. Plano Nacional de Leitura. UNESCO. Atlas interativo das línguas em perigo no mundo.

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