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Communication and Literary Heritage

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 2S

Code: LGP30013    Acronym: CPL
Scientific Fields: Línguas e Literatura
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGP 9 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Luciano José dos Santos Baptista PereiraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Luciano Pereira   0,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

-Develop the knowledge and appreciation of language, though communicative phenomena and literary
expression through a process of training and representation of different cultural values of our multiple
human identities.
-Develop oral and written language skills with an emphasis on the narrative, descriptive speeches,
opinions and arguments.
– Understanding the value of communication and literary heritage as a factor of cohesion, representation
and social transformation
-Evaluate collect, select and organize texts of regional, national and universal value and which are relevant
for training , with emphasis on contemporary texts.


-Semantic development of the concepts of "communication" and "literature"
-communication models and concepts of literature
-textual typologies; the literary and non-literary concept of –literary-heritage texts and heritage
-traditional oral literature: its importance and functions-the local literary heritage:
-Legends of the Setúbal District
-The representations of Arrábida in Portuguese literature (poetry and prose)
-Representatives of local literary heritage and their social intervention.
- Society and Literature.
-Literature and sports.
-Literature and other aesthetic languages.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The Curricular unit of communication and Literary Heritage is the privileged space to consider the
phenomena of communication, language and literary heritage, in its verbal, semiotic and symbolic
dimensions. The literary text, in its various forms, is studied in regard to its complex relationship with the
social and cultural phenomena, space of mediation between the individual and the others, between
different social groups and between different people. This communicative dimension will encourage the
strengthening of competencies in different semantic domain registers with greater focus on formal
expression . The literary dimension creates new powers of the imagination, ability to evaluate forms,
manifestations and cultural settings, as well identify its value in the construction of identities and
collective development. The appreciation of the regional literary heritage strengthens self-esteem and
requires a good command of communication skills as well as critical reading.

Teaching methodologies

Program management strategies (Group class) face-to-face sessions will have a theoretical and practical
character, notably through diverse methods which may include the introduction of some new topics to be
addressed but also will include guided discussion of selected texts which have been studied previously .
With regard to the participation of students in face-to-face sessions. This will include individual and group
participation, oral and written, through short critical interpretations, reviews, individual and collective
readings which will be always be accompanied by analysis and discussion. In addition to face-to-face
sessions it is expected that there will teacher/student communication through some computer resources
available. 5.2. tutorial monitoring (face-to-face or at a distance) there will also be follow-up tutorial with
small groups or individual students, whenever this option is deemed necessary for promoting students '

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The different topics to be addressed will be organized around the interests of students and of stimuli
introduced by the teacher. Thus, the methods used have to be varied both in form and content, in order to
make explicit the interest of UC in the curriculum, but also as regards the personal and cultural education
of the students. At the end of the course, the objectives and expected learning acquisitions are located
around three major areas: the) ability to search, select, manage and organize of information, showing a
correct appropriation of different concepts; b) production of oral and written texts of different genres,
modes, records, dimensions and of variable issues, with emphasis on those of description and
interpretation of the literary text. The communicative and linguistic skills specific to the reading and
interpreting will be demonstrated by summaries, reports, fact sheets, texts, ... c) public presentation of
pieces of work.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Methodology and evidence evaluation assessment will be negotiated collectively taking into account the following proposals: 1. All work carried out in the classroom and outside the classroom will be object of detailed evaluation. 2. All students will perform a comprehensive assessment test at the end of the process. 3. Students will have to present a research paper that delve into one of the program's content.

Attendance system

Attendance scheme students in continuous assessment scheme undertake to participate in 80% of face-to-face sessions, excluding the cases provided for by the law and the internal rules. Students workers are only required to participate in 50% of the total of face-to-face sessions, and can negotiate with the teacher a lower participation by drawing up additional work and distance monitoring.


Coelho, A. (org.) (1999). Contos populares portugueses. Lisboa: D.Quixote.
Eusébio, A. M. (O Calafate) (1985). Versos do cantador de Setúbal. 2 Vol. Lisboa: Ulmeiro.
Guerreiro, M. V. (1983). Para a história da literatura popular portuguesa. Lisboa: ICLP.
Pedroso, Consiglieri, (ed.) (2000). Contos Populares, Lisboa: Ulmeiro
Pinto-Correia, J. D. (org.) (1984). Romanceiro Tradicional Português. Lisboa: Editorial Comunicação.
Saraiva, A. J.; Lopes, Ó. (2010). História da Literatura Portuguesa. 17ª Ed. Porto: Porto Editora
Silva, V. M.A. (2007). Teoria da Literatura. 8ª edição. Coimbra: Almedina.
Vilhena, A. M.; Pires, D. (seleção e notas) (2002). A Serra da Arrábida na poesia portuguesa. Setúbal:
Centro de Estudos Bocageanos.


Due to the OUTBREAK of COVID 19, face-to-face classes have been replaced by distance learning, namely using moodle platforms and teams, as well as email. The evaluation products requested will also be subject to adaptations and simplifications.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-07 às 03:11:58