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Radio Broadcast Journalism

Scholar Year: 2019/2020 - 2S

Code: OP00036    Acronym: JR
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 11 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ricardo Jorge Melo NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 5,60
Carlos Barreto Xavier   1,67
Ricardo Nunes   2,33

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This UC intends to develop technical and professional skills leading to the mastery of the radio medium in its multiple aspects, accentuating the journalistic component. In this sense, the mechanisms of informative production will be developed through its own circuit: search for information, treatment, text construction and domain of sound supports, assembly and sound.

 Master the planning, production and radio production logics;
 Knows and uses properly the theoretical and technical principles that professionally organize and guide the journalistic activity;
 Identifies and characterizes the different phases of the journalistic activity and the technical procedures that define them;
 Knows and uses the noticiability criteria adequately;
 Produces news stories using various sources of information appropriately through analysis, interpretation and synthesis operations;
 Reveals capabilities to take on various functions in writing: writing secretariat, reporter, newscaster;
 Master and apply the techniques of locution;
 Master and apply the assembly and sounding techniques.


The radio
- drafting organization
- information sources
- collection and processing of information
Language of the Radio
- oral communication skills
- the voice and the body
- radio writing
- the spoken word
- the accuracy of the text
- production and editing of news, organization of newspapers and information programs
Sound and equipment
- the sound
- handling of news material
- recordings
- assembly and sound
- direct and deferred

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The objectives are around three main areas:
(A) conceptual domain of the subjects addressed;
(B) organization and management of working papers, evidencing the appropriation and use of differentiated concepts and techniques;
(C) adoption of a critical and interventional attitude towards the challenges of radio writing and the studio component (assembly, sound, final editing).

Teaching methodologies

Exhibition classes

It is expected that each student will: (a) be present in each of the classes and participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis (IPS writing and news planning), as well as in the distribution of reports; (B) read, analyze and be prepared to discuss the supporting texts presented; (C) carry out the scheduled work (reports).

NOTE: Although a work methodology had already been defined, centered on expository classes and using the Moodle platform, it was redirected with distance communication resources: Zoom, Audacity. Thus, practically all the planning initially planned was maintained, having been adjusted in the working methods and techniques.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The articulation between the methodologies adopted and the objectives outlined should lead to an effective appropriation of the program contents and a critical positioning of them.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

1. Active participation in the discussion of the themes included in the program [20%]
2. Production and Realization of interviews, reports, recordings and assemblages of sound materials (80%)

Attendance system



AA.VV. (2008), Tão Perto do Mundo – 20 Acontecimentos em 20 anos da rádio que mudou a rádio, Lisboa: Prime Book.

AA.VV. (1996), Colóquios sobre Rádio, Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote.

AA.VV. (1986), 60 Anos de Rádio Em Portugal, Lisboa: Vega.

Bonixe, Luís (2012), A informação radiofónica: rotinas e valores-notícia da reprodução da realidade na rádio portuguesa, Lisboa: Livros Horizonte

CORDEIRO, Paula (2010) A Rádio e as Indústrias Culturais. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte

ERC (2009) , Caracterização do sector da radiodifusão local.

Ganz, Pierre (1995) A reportagem em rádio e televisão, «Técnicas de jornalismo», Editorial Inquérito, Mem Martins, 1995.

Garvey, Daniel E. & William L. Rivers, L’Information Radiotélévisée, col.«Medias», De Boek-Wesmael, Bruxelles, 1988.

GONÇALVES, Rui F. M. (1999), Jornalismo e Valores. O Projecto Informativo TSF-Rádio Jornal (1988-1993), Lisboa: Edinova.

Herreros, Mariano Cebrián, Información Radiofónica. Médiacion técnica, tratamento e programación, «Periodismos», Editorial Sintesis, Madrid, 1995.

Meditsch, Eduardo, A radio na era da informação, Minerva, Coimbra, 1998.

MELO, Rui (2001), A Rádio e a Sociedade de Informação, Porto: Fundação Fernando Pessoa.

Meneses, João Paulo, Tudo o que se passa na TSF... para um “Livro de Estilo”, ed. Jornal de Notícias, Porto, Junho de 2003.

MENESES, João Paulo (2012). Estudos sobre a rádio - passado, presente e futuro. Porto: Mais Leituras.

MAIA, Matos (1995), Telefonia, Lisboa: Círculo dos Leitores.

Minkov, Mikhail, Jornalismo radiofónico, Organização Internacional de Jornalistas, Praga, 1983.

Parada, Marcelo, Rádio: 24 Horas de Jornalismo, Panda Books, São Paulo, 2000.

PORTELA, Pedro (2011) Rádio na Internet em Portugal. Humus

PINTO, Marcos (2007). No ar : 100 histórias da rádio. Parede: Prime Books

Prot, Robert, Dictionnaire de La Radio, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble –Institut National de L’audiovisuel, 1997.

RIBEIRO, Fernando Curado (1964) Rádio: Produção, Realização, Estética. Lisboa: Arcádia.

SANTOS, Sílvio Correia (2013). Os média de Serviço Público. ebook disponível aqui.

SOARES, Vítor (2009), A Rádio, Ouvida e Pensada. Bubok (ebook).

Tubau, Iván, Periodismo oral – hablar y escribir para radio y televisión, Paidós PC 2, Barcelona,1995.

TSF, Livro de Estilo da TSF Rádio Jornal, s/d, policopiado

Teses de doutoramento sobre rádio:

A Rádio em Portugal


Eu sou jornalista

Rádio e Jornalismo

Rádio e Televisão de Portugal

Página gerada em: 2024-06-16 às 06:33:46