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Introduction to Comparative Literature

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 2S

Code: EDB10041    Acronym: ILC
Scientific Fields: Formação na Área da Docência
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 35 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Luciano José dos Santos Baptista PereiraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 8,00
Luciano Pereira   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

1. Introduction
The comparative literature is the privileged space to consider the Literary Heritage in your verbal dimension, semiotics and symbolic. The literary text, in its various forms is seen as a tool and a result of complex social and cultural phenomena, space of mediation between the individual and the others, between different social groups and between different people. The literary dimension allows the strengthening of the powers of the imaginary and the cult of the domain language. The comparative dimension allows the achievement of communicative skills, evaluating new forms, manifestations and cultural settings as well as your value in the construction of identities and collective development.

2. learning objectives (knowledge, skills and competencies to develop by students)
1. Develop the knowledge and appreciation through training and the specificities of the different cultures and the values of our cultural identities.
2. Identify, clarify and compare cultural, thematic and formal settings, inherent in the literary text as individual building mechanism, cultural expression and as representation and transformation factor of our societies.
3. Develop a taste for specificity of aesthetic and literary phenomenon in particular, in all its dimensions, with particular importance for the critical reading and for your shed.
4. Develop language skills varied around the literary communication, with focus on descriptive productions, opinionated, argumentative and critical.
5. speak in a clear, structured and fluently about topics with special literary and cultural relevance.
6. Enhance the different language registers and their duties, with a focus on literary register.
7. Deepen the taste for the already known languages and cultures and develop a taste for other languages easily accessible and difersificadas cultures.
8. consider the specific features of the communication and the literary text.
9. Consider the literary text in the wider context of the individual, social, intercultural communication and professional.
10. Exercise analysis, production skills, interpretation and comparison of linguistic and literary communication, taking into account the various discursive and textual genres.
11. Effectively manage information relevant to understanding and textual interpretation.
12. Relate different forms of art.
13. Justify and argue a critical views on literary and cultural heritage of its meaning, function and value.
14. Evaluate, collect, select and organize texts/books with universal value and relevance of formation, with focus on contemporary texts.
15. Recognize the discursive differences, personal, social and cultural rights.
16. to understand and enhance knowledge of other cultures relativising the differences.
17. Understand the value of literary communication as a means of social intervention, political, civic and citizenship in its different supports, including the hololivros.
18. Integrate ethical and aesthetic values of literary communication in your own speech.
19. Produce materials and draw up strategies for dissemination and/or animation of reading and intercultural perspective comparison.
20. Expand reading skills, interpretation and production of symbolic and metaphorical language.
21. Consider the relationship between the so-called paraliterárias productions and classical literature.
22. Develop habits, skills and instruments for reading comparativista.
23. Faliliarizar-with the themes, texts and the most relevant authors of universal literature.
24. Consider literary work in the cultural, historical and social context.
25. Develop a taste for creative writing with poetical and literary features.


-Semantic Evolution of the word literature.
-Concepts of literature.
-The literature as a form of communication and as art of the word.
-Children's literary texts of universal nature.
-Typologies and literary genres.
-The cultural and personal development from literary texts.
-Knowledge of the self and the other.
-The relationship with space and time.
-Creativity provided by literary texts.
-Literature, music and fine arts.
Concepts and lines of approach:
• Communication, language and literature
• Reading Competence, knowledge of literature
• Universal Literature, Classical Literature
• Literature, Local Literature
• Comparative Literature
• Genus
• Myth, Orality, Writing

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The contents are the traditional content of any discipline in the areas of culture, of language communication and literary areas in particular. The goals are aimed at the development of specific competencies of the different areas with focus on the different skills of critical reading of the literary text. The comparative perspective opens horizons and enables you to reflect on the specificity of cultures and on the specificity of literary communication space in each one of them.

Teaching methodologies

Teaching methodologies
1. the programme management strategies
The different topics to be addressed will be organized around the interests of the children who attend the elementary school. The sessions will be focused on the reading and interpretation in plenary and/or small groups of literary works. The discussion from the searched information or documents directly supplied by professor will be a key element of learning. The process shall include: (a) reading, discussion and analysis of texts; (b) Review written and/or oral texts; (c) development of small critical comments; (d) preparation of written work; (e) presentation and discussion of papers; (f) Exposure of certain themes; (g) the preparation, discussion and analysis, in a group of small jobs; (h) preparation and presentation of practical work of textual animation.

2. monitoring tutorial (face-to-face and distance to Support Group work, individual research)

3. Participation of students
Each student is expected to: (a) is present in 80% of classes and participate in the discussion of the issues under review, as well as in group work; (b) read, review and be prepared to discuss the texts presented support; (c) perform the

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The survey, the reading and interpretation of the text are at the base of the development of critical readings, reviews and read data sheets. The exchange of opinions, the group work, the comments are free at the core of the development of communicative and linguistic competences are psychosocial, both written as. Talk about your culture and the culture of others is demystify narratives and myths that make possible a better lack of identity and otherness. Search the specificity of written narratives and better understand the relationship between man and the environment, between man and your story. The construction of a universal identity is done in the appropriation of a common heritage that requires a cultural achievement in that each is defined in the crossover between your intimacy and shared intimacy in the aesthetic enjoyment of the sublime object that is the literary text.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

I) continuous formative assessment:
IA) Attendance, briefs, of index, analysis, interpretation and literary reviews along the lessons: 20%
II) Summative Evaluation:
II.) A work of comparative literature around a contemporary theme (in groups of three elements) (30%)
II. b) one final test (50%)

Attendance system

The ongoing assessment demands punctuality, as well as full-time and regular presence of students in class (80% of the school effectively taught), and may, in exceptional cases (medical certificates, evidence of high competition, absence forced the country, ...) to reduce this requirement to 60% by negotiating the fulfillment of individual works will be presented by the end of the classroom. Students who enjoy the status of officially students workers can participate in only 50% of the classroom, and, in addition to the work required to all students with the General status, will also have to deal with some additional individual teacher.


- AGUIAR e SILVA, V. M. – Teoria da literatura. 8ª. ed. Coimbra: Liv. Almedina, 1990.
- COELHO, Jacinto do Prado (dir.), Dicionário de Literatura - Literatura Portuguesa, Literatura Brasileira, Literatura Galega, Estilística Literária, 5 vols., Porto, Figueirinhas, 1987.
- FANHA, José; LETRIA, José Jorge – Cem Poemas Portugueses sobre a Infância. Lisboa: Terramar, 2004
- FORTINI, F., «Literatura» in Enciclopédia Einaudi - vol. 17: Literatura - Texto (dir. Ruggiero Romano), Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, 1989, pp.176-199.
- REIS, Carlos, O Conhecimento da Literatura: introdução aos estudos literários, Coimbra, Almedina, 2008.
- REIS, Carlos (coord.), História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa, 9 vols., Lisboa, Verbo, 1998.
- SARAIVA, António José e LOPES, Óscar, História da Literatura Portuguesa, Porto, Porto Editora, 1987.
- SEGRE, C., «Ficção» in Enciclopédia Einaudi - vol. 17: Literatura - Texto (dir. Ruggiero Romano), Lisboa, Imprensa Naciona - Casa da Moeda, 1989, pp.41-56.
- IDEM, «Narração / Narratividade» in Enciclopédia Einaudi - vol. 17: Literatura - Texto (dir. Ruggiero Romano), Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, 1989, pp.57-69.
- Primeiro Livro de Poesia. Poemas em língua portuguesa para a infância e a adolescência. Seleção de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen. Editorial Caminho, 1991.

I.L.C. Obras obrigatórias 2016/2017

FERREIRA, José Gomes – As aventuras de João sem medo. Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2008.
CARROLL, Lewis - Alice no país das maravilhas
SAINT-EXUPÉRY, Antoine de – O Principezinho.
ZUSAK, Marcus – A rapariga que roubava livros (9º ed.) – Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2013

Algumas sugestões para leitura integral e trabalhos comparativos

ANTUNES, Nuno Lobo – Sinto muito. (6º ed.) Lisboa: Verso de Kapa, 2008.
ARAÚJO, Matilde Rosa – O Sol e o Menino dos Pés Frios. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 2001.
BÉGAUDEAU, François – A turma. Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2008.
CARROLL, Lewis – Alice no país das maravilhas. Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2000
FERREIRA, José Gomes – As aventuras de João sem medo. Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2008.
GAARDER, Jostein – A Rapariga das Laranjas. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2003.
GONZAGA, Natércia – A Princesinha. Lisboa: Roma Editora.
GREEN, John – A culpa é das estrelas. (3º ed.) Lisboa: Asa, 2013
HAYDEN, Torey – A criança que não queria falar. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2009.
LASKIER, Rutka – O Diário de Rutka. Lisboa: Sextante, 2007
LOSA, I - O mundo em que vivi. Lisboa: Editora Afrontamento, 2008
PEIXOTO, José Luís – Livro. Lisboa: Quetzal, 2010
PENNAC, Daniel – Mágoas da escola. Porto: Porto Editora, 2009.
PIRES, Maria Emília – As bruxas da Serra da Fóia. Sintra: Anima Mundi, 2008.
ROEMMERS, G - O regresso do Jovem Príncipe: Lua de papel 2011.
SAINT-EXUPÉRY, Antoine de – O Principezinho. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2002.
SWOPE, Sam – Eu Sou Um Lápis. Lisboa: Sinais de Fogo, 2004.
TOJAL, Altino do – Os putos. Contos da Luz e das Sombras. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 2001.
ZIMLER, Richard, SEKULOVIÉ, Ra¨a – O tempo das crianças. Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2010.
ZUSAK, Marcus – A rapariga que roubava livros (9º ed.) – Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2013


At the end of the work the expected learnings are around 3 major areas: (a) ability to research, organization and management of information, showing proper ownership and original and creative use of different concepts; (b) production of oral and written texts of genres, modes, records, dimensions and variables with emphasis on the problems of description and interpretation of the works of art and literary phenomena in particular. The communicative and linguistic skills reading specific highlight in summaries, reports, fact sheets, opinion and texts of literary criticism ...; (c) public presentation of work.
9. main Bibliography

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