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Língua e Cultura Portuguesa

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LCPA2/B1    Acronym: LCP
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ERASM ERASMUS 5,0 45 45,0

Teaching weeks: 15

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 8,00
Laura Mateus Fonseca   3,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Enable students to seek, understand and transmit information relevant to their academic, social and cultural needs and interests through the use of the Portuguese language.

Contribute to the development of skills useful and needed for the use of language as a communication tool, including understanding, speaking, writing and cultural understanding.

Understand oral texts identifying subject, theme and communicative intention (expository texts, informative texts, narrative texts, descriptive texts, expressing feelings, persuading), based on inferences.


Exploration of themes related to the realities of students, within the perspective to developing skills in the use of the Portuguese language in an academic and professional context.

Grammatical and lexical contents are developed according to the topics and the needs of the students.

Interaction in the most immediate relevance areas of immediate basic need such as:

– Personal and professional life;
– Attitudes and citizenship;
– History and current events;
– Interpersonal relationships.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Through the syllabus, it is intended to work on oral and written comprehension through the analysis of different types of documents from different sources and related to the selected themes, as well as through the use of digital educational resources (RED).

As far as content is concerned the topics, expressions and vocabulary which will be privileged are those relating to daily life and to the area of personal experiences.

Oral expression will be stimulated through participation in role-play activities, interactive tests, challenges and presentation of work.

Written expression will be developed according to students' interests and communicative needs.

The development of skills in academic writing will be privileged, aiming at linguistic and typographic proficiency in different writing contexts.

Teaching methodologies

Will be privileged active methodologies that encourage students to learn, supported by themes, oriented towards action and autonomy.

Written expression will be stimulated using different challenges through participatory methodologies with the aim of stimulating and systematizing learning.

Oral and written comprehension will be worked through the analysis of different types of documents from different sources and related to the selected themes from the syllabus.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The selected and differentiated methodologies aim to enable the acquisition of knowledge in the UC, as well as enhance the use of the UC with greater fluency, correctness, clarity, objectivity and assertiveness.

Through the application of digital educational resources, learning will become more active and dynamic in the classroom context, in order to build and develop students' communicative skills.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The unit evaluation will consist of:

• Individual or group participation in tasks/activities in the classroom context or individually (50%);

• Realization of a project focused on a relevant theme in the context of Portuguese Language and Culture (50%).

Attendance system

As it is a school offer, there is no attendance regime. It is up to students to manage this responsibility.


BERGSTRÖM, Magnus; REIS, Neves (1998). Prontuário Ortográfico e Guia da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.
CUESTA, Pilar Vazques e LUZ, Maria Albertina Mendes da Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Dicionário de Erros e Problemas de Linguagem (1995) 4.ª ed. Lisboa: Clássica Editora.
D’SILVAS FILHO (2003). Prontuário Universal – Erros Corrigidos de Português, 3.ª edição. Lisboa: Texto Editora.
ESTRELA, Edite, et al. (2004). Saber Escrever, Saber Falar – Um Guia Completo para Usar Correctamente a Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Dom Quixote.
GOMES, Aldónio e Cavacas, Fernanda (2005). Escrever Direito – Ortografia. Lisboa: Clássica Editora.
MONTEIRO, Deolinda e Pessoa, Beatriz, Guia Prático dos Verbos Portugueses, Lisboa, Porto, Coimbra: Lidel, Edições Técnicas, Lda.
MONTEIRO, Manuel, Dicionário de Erros Frequentes da Língua, Lisboa: Soregra, 3.ª edição.
—, Por Amor à Língua – Contra a linguagem que por aí circula, Lisboa: Objectiva, 2018.
OLIVEIRA, C. et aliae (2011). Gramática Aplicada. Português Língua Estrangeira. Níveis Inicial e Elementar A1, A2 e B1, Lisboa: Texto Editores.
ROSA, L. M. (2002). Vamos Lá Começar. Explicações e Exercícios de Gramática. Nível Elementar. Lisboa: Lidel.
RUELA, I. (2016). Vocabulário Temático. Exercícios Lexicais. Lisboa: Lidel.
[SN] (2009). SOS Português! - Língua Não Materna - Gramática A1 - B1. Porto: Porto Editora.


Camões. Instituto da Língua e da Cooperação:
Unlimited and free online dictionary:
Terminology Dictionary:
Portuguese Language Observatory:
Organized repository of language resources:
Free service supports those who want to know more about the Portuguese language:

Página gerada em: 2024-06-05 às 09:17:07