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Professional Contexts

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 2S

Code: CS100010    Acronym: CP
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 50 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria Alcina Velho Dourado da SilvaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Alcina Dourado   2,00
Ricardo Nunes   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This program was updated on October 14, 2030 due to the Plano de regresso às atividades presenciais no âmbito da covid-19 2020-2021 (Plan to return to face-to-face activities within the scope of covid-19 2020-2021).

Provide the knowledge that enables students to understand, analyze and evaluate the context of the professional culture of social communication and the context of use of the discourses and narratives created by professionals.
Provide the skills to recognize and understand the actors, the structure of their roles, the actions and the characteristics of the interactions established in the performance of professional activities.
Provide the acquisition of organizational skills, planning and implementation of projects.


The program establishes relationship between the scientific area in which is inscribed the media and the professions of that economic activity field. The Professional Contexts are understood as the relationship between the professions of this field and the environment where it develops the activity, but also the situations in which they are perceived. The contents fall into four approaches related to the professional contexts: (1) heuristic (materials, themes and concepts); (2) professional practice (types and communication elements); (3) activities of the media (branches, organization, equipment and technology); and (4) the media professions (areas, jobs, occupations, trades, professions and specializations).

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

It is intended to articulate the contents with the objectives by associating the culture of media organizations with the contexts, practices and diverse contents produced by the media. Articulate professional contexts with social functions aimed at both the discovery and resolution of problems and the information, training, entertainment and promotion disseminated in different media and by different types of entities.

Teaching methodologies

Theoretical and practical classes taught using active learning methodologies combined with exploratory activities. Complementarity between direct teaching and indirect method. Field work through the implementation of virtual study visits with the preparation of reports and simulated practice that contribute to the establishment of social interactions and to the involvement of students in the construction of their own knowledge. Promote cooperative work, research and problem solving.
The sessions involve activities organized in large groups (plenary sessions) and in groups (4/5 elements each) according to the activities to be developed based on reading texts, viewing videos and documentaries, available essentially online, with presentation of results according to the assessment instruments.
Highlight for the realization of five sessions aimed at data collection (predictably through tools such as e-mail or Zoom Colibri) and preparation of reports regarding the virtual visit of five different institutions in order to learn about the reality of professions, professionals and areas of activity of journalism and strategic communication - each group must submit 3 reports, selecting for this the 3 virtual visits it intends to carry out.
The study visits are under the responsibility of the UC teachers and their format and schedule depend on the availability of the interlocutor who will be in contact with the students.
Online devices to be used (COVID-19 Distance Learning Plan)
Zoom Colibri; email; Moodle; Messenger; Whatsapp, without disdain for others who are under analysis such as Skype, Teams and Stream, in addition to student suggestions and solutions that in the meantime are made available. The goal is to allow solutions to adapt to students' conditions while ensuring compliance with planning.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Expository phase intends to assign meaning actively to the contents which are provided for students to learn facts, concepts, rules and procedures and relate them with their cognitive structures. Demonstrative method, participated and supported by the use of different communication media and complemented with a discussion of case studies.
Indirect teaching encourages the involvement of students, providing research, debate workshop in seminar that simulates the context of the implementation of procedures and tasks that require content and allows the presentation of the results obtained in each session. The know-how is provided by the practice in fieldwork through virtual study visits and mentoring initiatives.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The work developed at UC will be subject to continuous and summative assessment involving:
A) Group work - 60% of the grade (average between the classification obtained in the reports);
B) Works / exercises developed in a distance teaching session (individual, pairs or group) - 30% (average between the classification obtained in the activities);
C) Participation in the work models adopted with emphasis on teaching sessions through the distance learning platforms Moodle and Zoom Colibri, which implies the performance of individual and group activities - 10% of the grade.
In continuous assessment, the final grade of each student corresponds to the result of the calculation according to the percentage attributed to each moment of assessment: final grade = (A * 60%) + (B * 30%) + (B * 10%).

The completion and delivery of the works follows a timetable and a specific statement, taking into account the students' constraints.
The evaluation of students will take the form of a continuous process (depending on participation in teaching activities) or the possibility of taking a final exam.
The modalities, products, calendar, parameters and evaluation criteria will be communicated to the students and negotiated with them in the first half of the semester and formalized in a specific document.

Attendance system

The continuous evaluation of students depends on their participation in teaching activities through the proposed activities.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


Main Bibliography
Bird, S. Elizabeth (2005). The Journalist as Ethnographer? How Anthropology Can Enrich Journalistic Practice. In Rothenbuhler, Eric W. e Coman, Mihai (2005). Media Anthropology (pp.301-308). Thousand Oaks, London e New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Cabeças, A. M. (2018). Ciberjornalismo em Portugal: migrantes e nativos digitais, convergência e hipernarrativas. Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.
Costa, António Firmino (2009 [1986]). A Pesquisa de Terreno em Sociologia. In Silva, Augusto Santos e Pinto, José Madureira, Metodologia das Ciências Sociais (129-148). Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
Eiró-Gomes, M. (Ed.). (2017). Comunicação E Organizações da Sociedade Civil: conhecimento e reconhecimento. Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD e ESCS-IPL.
Iturra, Raúl (2009 [1986]. Trabalho de Campo e Observação Participante em Antropologia. In Silva, Augusto Santos e Pinto, José Madureira, Metodologia das Ciências Sociais (149-163). Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
Iturra, R. (n.d.). Trabalho de campo e observação participante em Antropologia. Retrieved February 20, 2020, from
Kapuscinski, Ryszard (2003). Los cinco sentidos del periodista (estar, ver, oír, compartir, pensar). Buenos Aires: Fundación para un Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano.
Martins, C. (Ed.). (2018). Os media em mudança em Portugal: Implicações da digitalização no jornalismo. ERC.
Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes (2012). Profissões: Lições e ensaios. Coimbra: Almedina.
Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes (1997). Sociologia das Profissões. Oeiras: Celta Editora.
Rosa, L. (1994). Cultura Empresarial. Motivação e Liderança. Editorial Presença.
Sebastião, S. P. (2012). Relações públicas: a comunicação, as organizações e a sociedade. Comunicação Pública, (vol.7 n12), 23–42.
Silveira, P., & Trindade, N. (1992). A Gestão na Administração Pública. Usos e costumes, manias e anomalias. Editorial Presença.
Sobreira, R. M. C. (2010). Os profissionais da comunicação estratégica das organizações em portugal . Em busca de identidade e reconhecimento. UNL.
Teixeira, S. (1998). Gestão das organizações. McGraw-Hill.
Vaz, É. (2016). Introdução às profissões em comunicação. Estácio.

Complementary bibliography
AAVV (2012) Livro de Estilo da Lusa. Lisboa: Lusa - Agência de Notícias de Portugal.
AAVV (2012). Prontuário Lusa. Lisboa: Lusa - Agência de Notícias de Portugal.
AAVV (2005). Público, Livro de Estilo (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Público – Comunicação Social.
Cunha, Celso e Cintra, Luís F. Lindley (1984). Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Edições João Sá da Costa.
Estrela, Edite e Correia, J. David Pinto (1999). Guia Essencial da Língua Portuguesa para a Comunicação Social (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.
Lopes, Ana Cristina Macário e Rio-Torto, Graça (2007). Semântica. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
Mateus, Maria Helena Mira et al. (2003). Gramática da Língua Portuguesa (5ª ed.). Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
Ricardo, Daniel (2003). Ainda bem que me pergunta: Manual de escrita jornalística. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.


The complete and definitive Program must be available on the Moodle platform and in the item 'Contents' of the UC on the ESE Portal after the first 15 days of teaching activity for full consultation, after which the definitive version for the current academic year passes.
This distance learning platform will also provide the necessary information for the full development of the Course Unit (UC), including summaries.
Students interested in accessing it must validate their enrollment in this UC directly on the UC page at
If you are an authenticated user and want to access the full version of the Program, you can click on 'Contents' in the right column.
Teaching activity takes place according to the weekly schedule.

Alternative online bibliography to be made available in its own document.

Access to the Moodle distance learning platform is an essential condition to accompany the UC.
Online devices to be used (Plan to return to face-to-face activities within the scope of covid-19 2020-2021)
Zoom; email; Moodle; Messenger; Whatsapp, without disregard for others under analysis such as Skype, Teams and Stream, in addition to student suggestions and solutions that are now available. The goal is to allow solutions to adapt to students' conditions while ensuring compliance with planning.

Página gerada em: 2024-09-21 às 02:15:50