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Rethoric and Argumentation

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 1S

Code: CS200013    Acronym: RA
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 38 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Orlando César Antunes GonçalvesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Orlando César   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Provide the ability to understand and analyze the argumentative strategies and the ability to evaluate arguments, recognize trends, establish relationships, compare argumentative elements and make interpretations.
Providing the acquisition of cognitive skills on the discursive production and promote the recognition of the functions of language. Develop data search skills or arguments and organization of the narrative elements. Provide knowledge to determine the suitability of a topic or angle to the public.


The contents fall into four approaches: (1) Research methodology and interpretation: the problem, the gender dialogue and hermeneutics; (2) The dialectical method and critical thinking; (3) Rhetoric and arguments: the argument assumptions, the argumentative techniques and the interaction of the arguments; (4) Analysis and opinion in media messages: public and genres of communication.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The argument is an expression of rationality. The knowledge of its elements and the different ways to recognize and expose serve intercommunication and ensure its effectiveness.

Teaching methodologies

Theoretical and practical classes taught using the lecture method combined with the active method. Complementarity between direct and indirect teaching method. Organize two seminars and provide field work to contribute to the establishment of social interactions and the involvement of students in the their construction of knowledge. Promote collaborative work, research and problem solving.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The theoretical foundations are exposed to the use of direct teaching methodology. The objective is to understand the concepts and the reasoning assumptions and deduce the importance of this resource in social interactions. The exhibition is active and calls upon the establishment of dialogism, elementary kind in journalistic practice.
The involvement of students, provided by indirect teaching strategies ensures the practice of argument and counter-argument, identifying fallacious arguments and the practice of interpellation.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The starting point is a diagnostic evaluation by multiple choice test or interaction in class. There will be two moments of formative assessment throughout the semester and summative assessment consists of writing two papers (one of them in group) and a frequency test. The final classification is the average of the marks obtained in frequency, which is assigned to the papers and discursive structure and linguistic correction.
The evaluation of students consists in a continuous process (depending on participation in school activities) or in the possibility of holding a final exam.
The arrangements, products, timing, parameters and evaluation criteria will be communicated to the students and negotiated with them in the first and second weeks of the semester and formalized in a specific document.

Attendance system

Continuous assessment of students depends on their participation in school activities.
Students who are not covered by the special status (Article 23 of the Frequency and Assessment Regulations) have to participate in 50% of teaching activities.
Control of attendance and punctuality is done by registration in the attendance sheet.


Breton, Philippe (2002). A Palavra Manipulada. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.

Cornu, Daniel (1999). Jornalismo e Verdade – Para uma Ética da Informação. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

Dijk, Teun A. van (2005). Discurso, Notícia e Ideologia – Estudos na Análise Crítica do Discurso. Porto: Campo das Letras.

Perelman, Chaim e Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca (2006), Tratado de Argumentação, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget.

Rebelo, José (2000). O Discurso do Jornal, Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.

Ricouer, Paul (2013). Teoria da Interpretação. O Discurso e o Excesso de Significação. Lisboa: Edições 70.

Suárez, Luisa Santamaría e Carro, María Jesús Casals (2000). La opinión periodística. Argumentos y géneros para la persuasión. Madrid: Editorial Fragua.

Chapters in books and review papers

Martínez Albertos, José Luis (2012). Géneros para la interpretación periodística: 2) La crónica. In Martínez Albertos, José Luis, Curso General de Redacción Periodística, 5ª ed. (pp.345-362). Madrid: Ediciones Paraninfo.

Martínez Albertos, José Luis (2012). Géneros para el comentario y la opinión::El articulo en sus diferentes modalidades. In Martínez Albertos, José Luis, Curso General de Redacción Periodística, 5ª ed. (pp.363-382). Madrid: Ediciones Paraninfo.

Barriga, Antónia (2009). Opinião, argumentação e persuasão no quadro de uma racionalidade sociológica – O «poder do discurso». Comunicação e Sociedade, vol. 16, pp. 27-42.

Cantavella, Juan (2004). La crónica en el periodismo: explicación de hechos actuales. In Cantavella, Juan e Serrano, José Francisco, (coords.), Redacción para periodistas: informar e interpretar (pp.395-418). Barcelona: Editorial Ariel.

Cunha, Tito Cardoso e (2009). Argumentação e metáfora no discurso político. Comunicação e Sociedade, vol. 16, pp.19-25.

Goodwin, Jean (2009). A argumentação não tem função, Comunicação e Sociedade, vol. 16, pp.123-144.

Mayo, Enrique Castelló (2009). O vasto e tenaz império da retórica na idealização, materialização e análise das mensagens publicitárias, Comunicação e Sociedade, vol. 16, pp. 43-50.

Plantin, Christian (2009). Deixem dizer: A norma do discurso de um está no discurso do outro, Comunicação e Sociedade, vol. 16, pp.145-161.

Ramos, Rui (2000), O discurso de opinião como discurso polémico – Aspectos da sua configuração e da interacção social, Comunicação e Sociedade 2, Cadernos do Nordeste, vol. 14 (1-2), pp.235-247.

Serra, Paulo (2009), Persuasão e propaganda: os limites da retórica na sociedade mediatizada, Comunicação e Sociedade, vol. 16, pp.85-100.

Suárez, Luisa Santamaría e Carro, María Jesús Casals (2000). La escritura de textos de opinión. In Suárez, Luisa Santamaría e Carro, María Jesús Casals. La opinión periodística. Argumentos y géneros para la persuasión (pp.373-384). Madrid: Editorial Fragua.

Bibliographical Notes

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