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Jornalistic Genres

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 1S

Code: CS200020    Acronym: GJ
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 37 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ricardo Jorge Melo NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Ricardo Nunes   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (Máximo: 1000 caracteres com espaços)
Know conceptually different approaches associated with the study of Genres Journalism;
Know the characteristics of different types and genres of journalism and associate them to different media;
Develop techniques that allow a rigorous performance use of Journalistic Genres;
Identifies and characterizes the various phases of journalistic activities and technical procedures that define them.


Notion of Journalistic Genres
Definition and practice of Journalistic Genres
The Audiovisual Journalism Radio
09/09/2016 ACEF/1213/22432 — Guião para a autoavaliação
instant information, radio information models, standards writing techniques and sound.
The Audiovisual Journalism TV
audiovisual information to generaoriented
Journalism Online
hybrid language to the emergence of a new journalistic genre to infographics.
Concept of Gender informative
treatment and research
of news sources, the lead and the body of information
interpretation journalistic
report interpretative
chronic, dominant models: judicial, sports, etc..
Comment and Opinion
article, editorial opinion column
A Critique of Providers
role of the Ombudsman Reader / Viewer / User Internet monitoring critical content Newspaper / TV / Ranch.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Defined the goals of UC, drew up a set of syllabus which aimed conductive lines previously defined. Thus, knowledge,
identity and exercise of journalistic genres are embodied in Conceptual framework and instrumental to the exercise
thereof. A reading of both emerging coherence between the aims and the matrix of UC..

Teaching methodologies

Strategies for managing the program
Taking as starting sessions of theoretical frameworks and case analysis (various media) to understand the process:
(a) Reading, discussion and analysis of texts;
(b) Book Review written and / or verbal text;
(c) Development of critical comments;
(f) Preparation and presentation of practical work (eg news, reportage, interview, opinion text);
Follow tutorial
Participation of students
It is expected that each student:
(a) Participate in the discussion of the issues under consideration, as well as in group work;
(b) Read, analyze and be prepared to discuss the texts of support provided;
c) Perform the scheduled jobs
Frequency of assessment perform
comprehensive test at the end of the semester
(a) Working Group (text and display)
(b) Critical Book Review designed
for those not part of the working groups
(c) Exam written
comprehensive test

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

This being a Course of a specific nature integrated in Business Journalism Degree in Social Communication, aims to
articulate the goals set out using methodologies appropriate work. Thus, each session expository character, by the
teacher and working groups, it presents the challenge of exercising each of journalistic genres under study, and,
throughout the semester, students present content and theoretical reflections (group) and exemplify, through exercises,
each genus addressed. The work is the result of intense negotiation, assuming the tutoring sessions a fundamental role.


AAVV. (2005). Livro de Estilo Público.
Lisboa: Público.
Bastos, Hélder (2000). Jornalismo Electrónico, Coimbra: Minerva
Boucher, J. D. (1994). A reportagem escrita. Mem Martins: Editorial Inquérito
Cabrera, Ana (Org.)(2011) , Jornais, Jornalistas e Jornalismo – Sécs. XIX e XX, Lisboa: CIMJ
Correia, Fernando (1998). Os Jornalistas e as Noticias, Lisboa: Caminho
Fontcuberta, M. d. (1993). A notícia. Pistas para perceber o mundo. Lisboa:Editorial Notícias
Mesquita, Mário (1998). O Jornalismo em Análise, Coimbra:Minerva
López, Manuel (1995). Cómo se Fabrican las Noticias”, Barcelona:Paidos
Ponte, C. (2004). Leituras das Notícias. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Pina, Sara (2000). A Deontologia dos Jornalistas Portugueses, Coimbra:Minerva
Rebelo, José (2000). O Discurso do Jornal, Lisboa: Noticias
Ricardo, D. (2004). Ainda bem que me pergunta. Manual de escrita jornalística. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.
Traquina, Nelson (1993).Jornalismo: Questões, Teorias e Estórias, Lisboa:Vega

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