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Ethics and Professional Deontology

Scholar Year: 2022/2023 - 1S

Code: CS30023    Acronym: EDP
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 40 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria Alcina Velho Dourado da SilvaHead
Maria José Duarte FreireHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Celiana Azevedo   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Provide knowledge of the role of journalism in society, including its role in the development and maintenance of democracy. Provide the acquisition of knowledge in the field of the fundamentals, intentionality and nature of the constitutional and legislative framework that regulates the media sector.
Provide knowledge about the fundamentals of journalistic legitimacy and its ethical responsibilities, including the rights and duties of the profession. Provide knowledge about the basic tools for the construction of reasoning based on the professional journalistic culture and for the development of critical capacities.
Acquiring competences on the means of ensuring the accountability of the media (multiplying sources, refusing unfair practices, duty of rectification, professional secrecy, conflicts of interest, etc.), on the public's right to information (respect for privacy, Minorities and presumption of innocence, among others) and on the procedures and techniques of the profession (search for truth, accuracy and precision, fight against stereotypes, verification and corroboration of information, separation of facts and opinions and, among others, protect the sources.


The program content emphases on two focuses: (1) the legal framework of media and journalism; And (2) the ethical judgment in the communication and the deontological decision. The first approach is to present the legal framework of the media, the duty of professionals and their legal limits, and the inherent civil, criminal and criminal liability. The second objective is to expose the role of journalism and other communication professions in society, the role of ethics in the identity construction of professions and the framework of deontological values that guide professional decisions. To present the instruments of critical reflection of the media and to proceed to the case study in the context of the regulation of the professional activity.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Ethics and deontology are both a factor in the identification of the profession and a differentiating factor in relation to other activities. They are also the foundations of professional culture. The knowledge of the theory, but also the contact with the practical knowledge of a professional nature, impart a learning that propels the ethical judgment and that clarifies the deontological operationality in relation to the matters of reality.

Teaching methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes taught using the expository method combined with the active method. Complementarity between direct teaching and indirect method. Organize two seminars and provide fieldwork that contributes to the establishment of social interactions and the involvement of students in the construction of their own knowledge. Promote cooperative work, research and problem solving.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The articulation between the methodologies of direct and indirect teaching aim at enhancing the articulation between a systematic body of knowledge or doctrine and the professional norms of public service orientation distinctive of the profession. The exhibition is active and is based on the interpellation to the work produced by the media to obtain by induction of the particular and concrete cases a general concept of the object under study.
The students will be involved in the case study to anchor the contents in the mediated reality and focused on the collective exercise of ethical judgment as well as personal reflection. It aims to gain autonomy from professional procedures.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The starting point is a diagnostic evaluation, through multiple choice test or classroom interaction. There will be two moments of formative evaluation throughout the semester and the summative evaluation is consubstantiated in the accomplishment of two works (one of them of group) and of a frequency test. The final classification results from the average between the classification obtained in the frequency, which is attributed to the work (s) and to the discursive structuring and linguistic correction.
The evaluation of the students will take this form of continuous process (depending on the participation in the academic activities) or the possibility of a final exam.
The modalities, products, calendar, parameters and evaluation criteria will be communicated to the students and negotiated with them in the first half of the semester and formalized in a document.

Attendance system

The work developed will be subject to continuous and summative assessment implying:
a) Test: 50%
b) Group work: 30%
c) Participation activities: 20%


Bertrand, Claude-Jean (2002). A Deontologia dos Media. Coimbra: Edições Minerva.
Camponez, Carlos (2011). Deontologia do Jornalismo. Coimbra: Edições Almedina.
Carvalho, Alberto Arons de, Cardoso, António Monteiro e Figueiredo, João Pedro (2003), Direito da Comunicação Social. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.
Cornu, Daniel (1999), Jornalismo e Verdade – Para uma Ética da Informação. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Fidalgo, Joaquim (2008). O Jornalista em Construção. Porto: Porto Editora.
Kovach, Bill e Tom Rosenstiel (2004). Os Elementos do Jornalismo – O que os profissionais devem saber e o público exigir. Porto: Porto Editora.
Martins, Luís Paixão (2001). Schiu… está aqui um jornalista. Tretas, meias verdades e completas mentiras acerca da Imagem. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.
Neves, Maria do Céu Patrão; Silva, Rui Sampaio (coord.) (2017). Ética aplicada - Comunicação Social. Lisboa: Edições 70
Santos, Rogério (2006). A Fonte Não Quis Revelar - Um estudo sobre a produção das notícias. Porto: Campo das Letras.
Sebastião, Sónia Pedro; Martins, Paulo (2019). Ética em Comunicação: Reflexões sobre os atributos, os desafios e as práticas. Consultado em novembro 1, 2020, em

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