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Introduction to Portuguese Teaching

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: EDB30017    Acronym: IDP
Scientific Fields: Didáticas Específicas
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 66 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Luísa da Piedade Melro Blazer Gaspar CostaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 6,40
Ana Luísa Gaspar Costa   6,40

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Students should be able:
- to reflect on essential concepts of Portuguese Didactics.
- to use adequate tools to describe different areas of the Portuguese grammar.
- to mobilize knowledge about language acquisition and linguistic development to support didactic intervention.
- to develop strategies promoting linguistic development and communicative skills of pre-school children and 1st and 2nd cycle students.
- to plan tasks and activities for the development of oral comprehension, oral expression, reading, writing and language awareness.
- to analyze materials and tools to support the Portuguese language teaching and learning.
- to know about the guiding documents, syllabi and programs for Portuguese learning and teaching.


A. Language teaching: some basic concepts
1. Didactics of Portuguese: fundamental concepts and methodology.
2. Mobilizing basic concepts: language; implicit knowledge, explicit knowledge; acquisition, learning; language uses; comprehension; production; language awareness; grammar.
3. Programs and syllabi for Portuguese teaching and learning (curricular guidelines for pre-school education and for 1st and 2nd cycle of basic education).
B. Portuguese communicative skills
1. Reading skills
1.1. First steps in reading and writing.
1.2. The act of reading: psycholinguistic levels and processes involved in reading; top-down, bottom-up and interactive models.
1.2. Decoding strategies in reading.
1.3. Reading comprehension: the explicit learning of reading strategies.
3.4. Developing reading tasks (the comprehension family).
2. Writing skills
2.1. The rise of writing literacy in kindergarten.
2.2. The graphical and orthographic dimension of writing.
2.3. Compositional writing: writing process models and writing acquisition.
3.4. Developing writing tasks (the writing site).
3. Oracy skills
3.1 The process of oral comprehension: recognizing, selecting, interpreting; anticipating, inferring, and retaining information.
3.2. A model of oral production: planning, selecting and producing.
3.3. Textual genres of oral discourse.
3.4. Developing oracy tasks (formal and public oral genres).
4. Grammar teaching
4.1. Grammar teaching as an explicit knowledge process.
4.2. Developing linguistic awareness.
4.4. Developing grammar tasks (the grammar lab).

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Considering the goals of the Course, students should master and mobilize basic concepts from Portuguese Didactics, as well as from other scientific areas that contribute to their knowledge of language teaching in pre-school years and in the 1st and 2nd cycle of basic education. The discussion on specific issues about Portuguese language teaching (oral, reading and writing skills and grammar knowledge) will allow students to become aware of the dimensions of language teaching and to deepen their linguistic and didactic knowledge, useful to their professional practice.

Teaching methodologies

- Pedagogical strategies and methodologies
Pedagogical strategies that facilitate the articulation between theory and practice will be developed, based on research work and discussion, both individual and group. The development of problem-solving, analysis and synthesis skills, critical thinking, creativity and autonomy will be a fundamental issue. Oriented research and debate on the themes of the syllabus will constitute preferential strategies.
Classes will therefore assume the dynamics of a seminar, with expositions, analysis and discussion of texts and other materials, aiming at cooperative work.
- Tutorial follow-up
The tutorial follow-up will consist of the monitoring of individual learning. There will also be space for supervision of the work group. Tutorial follow-up will be taken in face-to-face sessions as well as through the Moodle.
- Student participation
Students should participate actively and in a constructive way in the class activities and tasks, develop individual research through reading and propose didactic materials on the themes of the syllabus.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Considering that the Course of Introduction to Portuguese Didactics intends to lay the foundations for the teaching of language in Basic Education and in kindergarten, the chosen methodologies focus on reflection and debate on Portuguese language development, teaching and learning, embodied in the theoretical knowledge and its application in a future pedagogical practice. The construction and presentation of different products by the students represents an added value, in summoning the articulation between theory and practice, indispensable for the continuation of studies in a masters’ degree.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The final classification will take into account the following elements:
- Participation in classes and small tasks - 5%
- 1 individual written essay or written test - 45%
- Portfolio (group work) - 35%
- Oral presentation of part of the portfolio (individual) - 15%
Working students should negotiate individual forms of participation and evaluation in the first half of the semester.


Amor, Emília (1993). Didáctica do português. Fundamentos e metodologia. Texto Editora.
Barbeiro, Luís Filipe e Maria Luísa Álvares Pereira (2007). O ensino da escrita: a dimensão textual. PNEP. DGIDC.ME.
Barbeiro, Luís Filipe e Clara Ferrão Tavares (2011). Implicações das TIC no ensino da língua. PNEP. DGIDC.ME.
Batista, Adriana, Luís Filipe Barbeiro & Fernanda Leopoldina Viana (2011). O ensino da escrita: a dimensão gráfica e ortográfica. PNEP. DGIDC.ME.
Cardona, M.J. (coord.) (2021). Planear e avaliar na educação pré-escolar. ME.DGE.
Cassany, Daniel, Marta Luna & Glòria Sanz (1994). Enseñar Lengua. Graó.
Duarte, Inês (2000). Língua portuguesa. Instrumentos de análise. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Duarte, Inês (2008). O conhecimento da língua: desenvolver a consciência linguística. Lisboa: PNEP. DGIDC. ME.
Duarte, Inês (2011). O conhecimento da língua: desenvolver a consciência lexical. Lisboa: PNEP. DGIDC. ME.
Freitas, Maria João, Dina Alves e Teresa Costa (2007). O Conhecimento da língua: desenvolver a consciência fonológica. PNEP.DGIDC.ME.
Gonçalves, Fernanda, Paula Guerreiro e Maria João Freitas (2011). Conhecimento da língua. Percursos de desenvolvimento. PNEP.DGIDC.ME.
Jolibert, Josette (coord.) (1994). Formando crianças produtoras de textos. Vol. II. Editora Artes Médicas.
LOPES, João A. (coord.). (2006) Desenvolvimento de competências linguísticas em jardins-de-infância. Manual de actividades. Col. Práticas Pedagógicas.Edições Asa.
Mata, Lurdes (2008). A Descoberta da Escrita. Textos de Apoio para Educadores de Infância. ME
Pereira, Maria Luísa Álvares & Azevedo, Flora (2005). Como abordar… A escrita no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico. Areal Editores.
Mata, L. & Pedro, I. (2021). Participação e envolvimento das famílias – construção de parcerias em contextos de educação de infância. ME.DGE.
Sim-Sim, Inês (2007). O ensino da leitura. A compreensão de textos. PNEP. DGIDC. ME.
Sim-Sim, Inês (2009). O ensino da leitura. A decifração. PNEP. DGIDC. ME.
Sim-Sim, Inês, Ana Silva e Clarisse Nunes (2008). Linguagem e Comunicação no Jardim-de-infância. PNEP.DGIDC.ME.
Viana, Fernanda Leopoldina (2009). O ensino da leitura. A avaliação. PNEP. DGIDC. ME.
Viana, F. L. et al. (2010). O ensino da compreensão leitora. Da teoria à prática pedagógica. Um programa de intervenção para o 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Edições Almedina.

Curricular Guidelines
DGE (2016). Orientações curriculares para a educação pré-escolar. Lisboa: ME.DGE.
DGE (2017). Perfil dos alunos à saída da escolaridade obrigatória. Lisboa: ME.DGE.
DGE (2018). Aprendizagens essenciais. Lisboa: ME.DGE. Lisboa: ME.DGE.
DGIDC (2008). Dicionário terminológico para Consulta em Linha (DT).

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