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Social Policies, Business Communication and Marketing

Scholar Year: 2022/2023 - 1S

Code: LAS12    Acronym: CEM
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 42 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria Alcina Velho Dourado da SilvaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 8,00
Luísa Godinho   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Main goal

Understanding concepts, disciplines and techniques of institutional and organizational communication from a Marketing perspective and learning to develop and apply communication strategies / techniques in organizations are the central objectives of the course.

Specific objectives

 Understand the role of communication in the performance of organizations, particularly in the cultural and social sphere;
 Develop skills for the implementation of communication strategies and techniques;
 Know the different sectors of institutional communication and their peculiarities;
 Acting in the different fields of business communication and marketing work;
 Interact with different technologies, tools and communication products;
 Learn to design, apply, manage and evaluate a communication strategy applied to the social sector.


1. Subject objectives, content, methodology, evaluation system, timing, way of operating face-to-face sessions and presentations

2. Communication process and historical evolution of business communication and marketing

3. Fields of institutional communication.
- Typology of organizations (Private companies, Corporate and representative organizations, Public organizations and government bodies, Non-governmental organizations)

4. Business communication and marketing - Basic concepts
- Marketing management concept, strategic marketing and marketing-mix
- Marketing environment (the micro environment and macro marketing environment)

5. - Particularities of Marketing Management
– Social Marketing and marketing in non-profit organizations

6. Communication strategy
- From diagnosis to strategy: SWOT Analysis
- Behavior and process of purchase, consumption and adhesion
- Audiences, Stakeholders and Shareholders
- Mission, identity and corporate image

7. Strategic planning in the context of institutions
- Functions, targets, process and objectives
- Basic elements of the organizations image
- Communication and Marketing Strategies
- The Communication Plan
- The Media
- The Marketing Communications Mix: advertising, public relations, sales promotion, merchandising, direct marketing and sponsorship and patronage – fundamental concepts, functions and objectives
- Communication management: strategy execution, external services, professional management, distribution and dissemination, services and practices, evaluation processes, crisis management.

8. Peculiarities of communication and marketing tools: objectives, targets, products, processes, techniques and particular characteristics of each tool

9. Ethical and legal limits in business communication
- Ethics and Social Responsibility

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Within the scope of this curricular unit, a set of activities is proposed that lead each student to carry out, in practice, various learning experiences related to the syllabus in order to understand the scope and usefulness of the concepts covered.

Teaching methodologies

The different themes to be addressed will be organized by concepts and tools in a mostly theoretical-practical approach. Sessions will focus on plenary and/or small groups discussion, as well as exercises based on information provided directly by the teacher or using texts and other materials made available in a timely manner through the distance learning platform Moodle or Teams.
Each face-to-face session will necessarily consist of theoretical and practical components, unless the constraints on access to the necessary equipment imply the division of weekly contact hours into theoretical and practical teaching sessions. Emphasis on active methods, in particular providing for the use of discovery methods with problem presentation, debate, autonomous work, mixed expository method, case studies and simulations which may involve reading, analysis and discussion of texts; preparation and presentation of written works, including critical comments; presentation and discussion of works, with emphasis on the performance of exercises proposed by the teacher.
It also includes guided discussion on related topics, based on various base documents, namely audiovisual materials and texts, which can be presented in several languages ​​in addition to Portuguese and from various sources.
Presentation of the results of the different activities (using different methods of presentation, including oral communication and powerpoint).
Use of blended learning through a distance learning platform, which implies the use of the respective communication tools such as forums. It is suggested that students come with portable computer equipment that facilitates access and/or carrying out activities within the scope of the uc, if the teacher explicitly indicates it.
The Moodle distance learning platform at will also serve to deliver content, enable theoretical-practical activities and allow interaction between teacher-student and student-students. , a tool included in student assessment, particularly in the case of working students.
Exceptionally and during the period coinciding with Internships or due to other reasons that make it impossible to carry out face-to-face teaching sessions, the corresponding activities can be carried out via distance learning platforms.
Tutorial monitoring: the teacher will be present in four possible models: i) in face-to-face sessions, according to the academic calendar; ii) by arranging a follow-up meeting in a tutorial orientation model previously requested by the student or group of students at a time to be defined and via video conference; iii) through the distance learning platform provided by the educational institution, using the most suitable tools for this purpose, namely forums, chats or message exchanges; iv) through contact via institutional email. The procedures and contacts are published on the platform itself according to the type of activities to be carried out throughout the school year.
The support sessions will serve, fundamentally, to help students and groups of students (especially student workers) when carrying out the assessment, among other theoretical-practical activities, and may take place in plenary session or in individual meetings, preferably at a distance. They will always be subject to confirmation.
After the end of the academic activities, the distance learning platform is available until the end of the appeal exams season.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

a) Test – 50% of the grade, to be carried out on a date to be defined according to its own calendar;
b) Exercises, individual or in small groups, which may include written and oral presentation - 50% of the grade, with completion and delivery on a date to be defined according to its own calendar. This assessment element can be replaced by carrying out an individual assignment in the case of students who benefit from status and are demonstrably unable to attend classes.
In continuous assessment, the final grade of each student corresponds to the result of the calculation according to the percentage attributed to each evaluation moment: final grade = (A*50%)+(B*50%).
This formula may be subject to change after the beginning of the school year, in which case it must be disclosed in a specific document.
In general, aspects such as the quality of interventions and skills revealed (research, working method, reflection, critical analysis, organization, group interaction, language used and individual contributions) are also considered.
It is expected that each student is present in each class and participates in the issues under analysis, as well as in group work, namely discussions; gather the advised documentation, read and analyze the supporting texts so that you are prepared to discuss them; execute the scheduled jobs; access the distance learning platform and participate actively and collaboratively in the activities proposed there.

Attendance system

The continuous assessment of students depends on their participation in teaching activities through the proposed activities.
The student worker or student covered by other statutes recognized in the ESE/IPS must inform the teacher about their situation in the first 15 days of teaching activity in written communication. In these cases, participation in the distance learning platform and the like is essential. Any changes must be communicated in writing in a timely manner. Only cases on the ESE portal, duly justified in accordance with the rules in force, will be considered.


Caetano, J., & Rasquilha, L. (2005). Gestão da comunicação. Quimera.
Eiró-Gomes, M. (Ed.). (2017). Comunicação E Organizações da Sociedade Civil: conhecimento e reconhecimento. Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD e ESCS-IPL.
Lindon, Denis, Lendrevie, Jacques, Lévy, Julien, Dionísio, Pedro, Rodrigues, J. V. (2008). Mercator XXI (11th). Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote.
Martins, R. (2010). Comunicação de gestão da mudança: como (re)criar uma organização de confiança no terceiro sector. In J. W. Azevedo, Carlos, Franco, Raquel Franco, Meneses (Ed.), Gestão de organizações sem fins lucrativos (pp. 273–284). Porto: Imoedições.
Santos, C.O. (2012). Melhorar a vida. Um guia de marketing social. Fundação CEBI

Serão facultados textos complementares ao longo do funcionamento da uc.


Complementary bibliography and supporting documentation: may be made available to the
throughout the teaching of the subject in classes, through the distance learning platform
of the ESE.
web pages
Portuguese Association of Company Communication
Portuguese Association of Advertising, Communication and Marketing Agencies
Portuguese Association of Advisory Companies in Communication and Relations
Regulatory Entity for Social Communication

This UC with the code LAS12 is mandatory for students enrolled in the 2nd or 3rd year of Animation and Sociocultural Intervention (cf. change of study plan in 2021.22).
The Teaching Language is Portuguese.
The Moodle distance learning platform will provide the information necessary for the full development of the Curricular Unit (UC), including summaries.
The Program will be presented at the 1st face-to-face teaching session, in addition to being made available on the institutional portal and may be subject to review during the first 15 days of teaching activity of the year to which it relates, at which point it becomes a definitive version for the current year. Until then, the final version for the academic year to which it relates is subject to revision. Subsequently, the final version will be made available on the portal and Moodle area for full consultation.
Students interested in accessing must validate their registration in this UC directly on the UC page at
Access to the Moodle distance learning platform is an essential condition to follow the uc.
Online devices that can be used: Zoom Colibri; email; Moodle; Messenger; Whatsapp, without disregard for others that are under analysis such as Skype, Teams and Stream, in addition to student suggestions and solutions that are made available in the meantime. The objective is to allow the solutions to adapt to the students' conditions while ensuring compliance with the planning.

The schedule of activities and the specifics of each will be made available in a separate document.

Página gerada em: 2024-09-19 às 05:14:38