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History and Culture of the Deaf Community

Scholar Year: 2022/2023 - 1S

Code: LGP10006    Acronym: HCCS
Scientific Fields: Línguas e Literatura
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGP 24 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria José Duarte FreireHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,20
Paulo Alexandre Carvalho   3,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Other language: Portuguese Sign Language

- To Know and understand the organic, social, cultural and anthropological structure and history of deaf
communities in general and of the Portuguese one in particular.
- Understand the history of Deaf Communities in general.
- know the most relevant episodes of the recent history of the Portuguese Deaf Community.
- Identify and be able to focus on the major issues, education, social and cultural conditions, as well as
structural variants that characterize Deaf Communities.


Deaf identity analysed through different perspectives: biological, medical-pathological, anthropological,
cultural, sociological and psychological. Complementarity and/or controversy within these points of view.
Concepts of monolinguism/ multilinguism; contact between languages focusing on the specificities of Deaf
Social organization of Deaf Communities.
Historical changes in the situation of Deaf Communities.
Notions of language and culture within different historical, linguistic, communicative, cultural and literary
Deaf education: historic facts and present days.
Diversity of cultural manifestations associated with Portuguese sign language and in the Deaf community,
as well as the relation with the hearing community.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The content in this course covers the central themes of the history and culture of the deaf community and
aims to develop a comprehensive knowledge about sign language, cultural and identity specificities of deaf
people, and the most remarkable events in the history of Portuguese and international deaf community,
articulating with the learning objectives set out. The reflection and understanding of such knowledge, will
allow these future professionals of the translation and interpretation into Portuguese sign language a more
informed interaction and the capacity of achieving good performances and better results.

Teaching methodologies

Lectures by the teacher, documentation distribution and analysis, oriented thematical research,
presentation of themes related to the unit contents – based on the study and research of the students,
seminar, discussion and debate.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The methodologies adopted include oriented research and reflection on the themes of this unit which will
allow greater and better acquisition of concepts and of the information acquired. Sharing the diversity of
gathered knowledge within the scope of history and culture, as well as through debate will make it possible
to increase the students’ interest in researching different themes in greater depth and relating them to the
current situation of the Deaf community, its achievements and aspirations.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation will include the following:
Attendance and participation 10%
Group work 40%
Final individual piece of work 50%


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Carvalho, P. V. (2019). A educação de surdos na Casa Pia de Lisboa, Lisboa: Casa Pia de Lisboa.
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Medi@ções – Revista online (2019). Língua Gestual Portuguesa e Comunidade Surda. Vol. 7 N.º 1 (2019), Setúbal: Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, disponível em:
Mottez, Bernard, (2006), Les Sourds existent-ils?, Paris : L’Harmattan.
Padden, Carol & Tom Humphries, (1988), Deaf in America: voices from a culture,
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press
Sacks, Oliver, (1990), Vendo Vozes: Uma jornada pelo mundo dos surdos, Rio de
Janeiro: Imago Editora.
Sacks, O., (2011), Vejo uma Voz – Uma viagem ao mundo dos surdos, Lisboa: Relógio
Sousa, F. V. (2014). Os Direitos Fundamentais das Pessoas Surdas. Coimbra:
Stokoe, W. C. (Ed.), (1980), Sign and Culture – A Reader for Students of American Sign
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