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Portuguese Sign Language I

Scholar Year: 2022/2023 - 1S

Code: LGP10007    Acronym: LGPI
Scientific Fields: Línguas e Literatura
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGP 26 Study Plan 6,0 72 162,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria José Duarte FreireHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,80
Carlos Gonçalves   4,40
Maria José Freire   0,40

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Teaching language: Portuguese Sign Language.

This curricular unit intends to provide the students with an effective communication capacity, within their main working language as translators and interpreters of Portuguese Sign Language.
Proper use of expression techniques in LGP translation and interpretation techniques.
To interpret simultaneously or consecutively messages produced by enunciators to their interlocutors.
To understand and convey, faithfully, clearly and with precision the meaning of messages and texts of the interlocutors who are present.
To adjust the interpretation process to the style and speech register used by the interlocutors who are
To analyze and correct the interpretation whenever there is an error that the interpreter detects or is made aware by others.
To check whenever necessary the degree of understanding of messages interpreted to addressees of the
interpretation process, deaf or hearing, in order to prevent any misunderstandings or loss of information.


Introduction of differences in the grammatical structures between the Portuguese language and
Portuguese sign language; basic notions of the manual alphabet and phanological configurations;
classifiers, manual alphabet and numbering (cardinals and ordinals); topic and commentary;
question/answer; inverted negatives and interrogatives; narratives/ stories.
Basic lexicon: Presentations; Deaf community and its culture; personal identification; daily life vocabulary.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Since this is a curricular unit that initiates a new language, the themes studied will allow students to
internalize basic knowledge of daily vocabulary, as well as some vocabulary specific in the field of the deaf community, its identity and culture.
Learning basic vocabulary, as well as grammatical structures of the Portuguese Sign Language, will allow
the development of communication competences from two perspectives, that of the person who signs and
of the person who receives the signed sentences.

Teaching methodologies

Expressive technique of description with the use of images, pictures or cartoons
Expressive technique of reporting an event from memory (daily event, script, etc)
Expressive technique of telling a story based on cartoons and storyboards without subtitles
Dialogue technique
Group conversation technique
Total immersion in an LGP communication environment (rule of silence, training visual observation, using
writtParticipation in activities of social gatherings in the deaf community
Knowing and analysing the theoretical and practice bibliography available concerning the contents of this curricular unit.en Portuguese support for lexical items)
Use of video recording as an instrument of register, analysis, and self-analysis of signing productions
Simulation of daily life conversation situations

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Portuguese Sign Language (LGP) is a visual and spatial language. It is the language of the Portuguese deaf community, and there are records reporting its use, at least since de XV th century. Recognized as a language since the 4th constitutional revision, Law 1/97, September 20th, in article 74, 2, h), as an
instrument of access to education and equal opportunities for the Portuguese deaf. As it is with other sign languages it is a natural language, with its proper grammar and lexicon. It has linguistic characteristics similar to any other natural language and characteristics specific to sign languages due to the fact that it is a visual and spatial language.
Methodologies adopted in this curricular unit respect, promote and develop the characteristics specific of a sign language.
Mastering the different aspects of signing space, facial and body expression is the result of several
practical exercises held by the students and oriented by the teacher.
Expressive mode in sign language is manifested by the articulation of signs and the use of the signing
space, and the receptive mode, through visual training.
Students are led to explore their natural expressivity and their spontaneous signs which are used as a
bridge to achieve the signs of LGP lexicon.
Elaboration of small texts in LGP will contribute to consolidate the acquisition of vocabulary and work on the grammatical structures of the language.
Video recording of these exercises and their analysis allow students to be aware of what they learned as well as solving some difficulties.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Evaluation will include the following:
Attendance and participation 20%
Intermediate LGP practical evaluation - 40%
Final LGP practical evaluation - 40%


Amaral,M.A., A. Coutinho, M. R. Delgado Martins, (1994) Para Uma Gramática da Língua Gestual
Portuguesa, Lisboa: Caminho, S. A.
Bettencourt, J., J. Catarino Soares, (1994) “ Língua Gestual Portuguesa – Língua de uma Minoria
Linguística “, in Integrar, nº4, Abr. A Jul.94, Lisboa: IEFP/SNR, pp. 49-55
Bispo, M. et al (Coord.), (2006) O Gesto e a Palavra I – Antologia de Textos sobre a Surdez, Projecto AFAS,
Lisboa: Caminho, S.A.
Bispo, M. e tal (Coord.), (2009) O Gesto e a Palavra II, Lisboa:Caminho, S.A.
Breia, G. (2009). O gato, gatão, poeta de profissão (+DVD), Lisboa: CERCICA
Breia, G. (2012). Perdida de riso (+DVD), Lisboa: CERCICA
Caldas. C. (Ed.) (2012). Coleção Pro-LGP, Lisboa: UCP
Carvalho, P. V. (2007) Breve História dos Surdos. Lisboa. Surd’Universo
Carvalho, P. V. (2019). A educação de surdos na Casa Pia de Lisboa, Lisboa: Casa Pia de Lisboa.
Gestuário – Língua Gestual Portuguesa, (1995) Lisboa: SNR – nº5, 2ª Ed.
Gestuário Digital LGP (DVD), (2008) Lisboa: INR – INR, I.P.
Medi@ções – Revista online (2019). Língua Gestual Portuguesa e Comunidade Surda. Vol. 7 N.º 1 (2019), Setúbal: Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, disponível em:
Laborit, E., (2000) O Grito da Gaivota, Lisboa:Caminho, S.A.
Morgado, M. (2007). Mamadu, o herói surdo. (+DVD). Lisboa: Surd'Universo
Morgado, M. (2009). Sou asas. (+DVD). Lisboa:Surd'Universo
Morgado, M. (coord.) (2010) Os meus primeiros gestos. Lisboa: Surd’Universo /CED Jacob Rodrigues Pereira – Casa Pia de Lisboa.
Prata, 1., (1981), Mãos que Falam, Lisboa: L.Fonética da Fac. Letras da Universidade de Lisboa e
D.G.Ensino Básico,
Vídeos: -Peça de Teatro “ As Pupilas do Sr. Reitor” (Atores Surdos)
-Workshop “ Dia Nacional da LGP”

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