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Theory and Practice of Translating and Interpreting I

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LGP10010    Acronym: TPTI
Scientific Fields: Línguas e Literatura
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGP 18 Study Plan 6,0 72 162,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Cristina Isabel Caciones GilHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,80
Cristina Gil   4,80

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Portuguese Sign Language.

The themes addressed in this UC aim to lead students to deepen the basic concepts of translation and interpretation in general and in the context of LGP in particular, as well as to understand the basic functions of the LGP interpreter translator and to acquire basic theoretical and practical knowledge. Continuing the work begun in ITI, new learning objectives will be introduced, namely:
- To develop the student's knowledge of LGP and LP and the translation techniques necessary for a good translation and interpretation;
- Knowledge on the diversity of ILGP intervention contexts;
- Understanding of the cultural constraints of translation and interpretation to and from LGP;
- Understanding the role of ILGP in the Deaf community.


Translation strategies of linguistic and cultural nature; development and practice of memory; physical and environmental factors affecting translation and interpretation; translation contexts and interpretation, namely in the community and associations; brief history of ILGP and associations; Introduction to voice translation; practical exercises of translating and interpreting from and to LGP.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The knowledge of the various linguistic, cultural and historical conditions is an important factor to take
into account the formation of future interpreters of LGP, allowing them a good adaptation to different
contexts of professional intervention they will find in their future professional environment. The introduction of new working tools simultaneous with the practical work of translation and interpretation contributes to the development of knowledge.

Teaching methodologies

Theoretical approach: themes; distribution of documentation; theme-oriented research; presentation of
topics related to the post content research students; discussion and debate.
Practical approach: practical exercises of interpretation and translation; translation exercises in LGP;
analysis of audio and video recordings, video and audio recording glosses.
Exercises dealing with sign to voice interpretation by watching videos and learning how to read LGP.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The articulation between the theoretical approach and practical approach aims to encourage the active and engaged participation of the students, which is essential for the progress of the subject and for achieving success in the ratings. As well as class participation, oriented research, completion of the tasks set by the teacher, this articulation promotes participation in extracurricular activities which will enhance the knowledge gained in the classroom (seminars, meetings, conferences and events related to the Deaf community).
The students will develop a thorough theoretical and practical grounding, as well as the ability to identify
and adopt appropriate strategies for different contexts and the ability to do short pieces of interpretation.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Theoretical evaluation (theoretical work/test) – 30%
Practical evaluation (1/2 practical work of translation for LGP - audiovisual recording and gloss) – 65%
Participation; Attendance; Autonomous work; Homework – 5%
The assessment by examination includes two tests:
1- theoretical test in writing, with a duration of 1 hour + 30 minutes of tolerance (30% of the grade);
2- practical assessment consisting of a video recording of a translation from LP to LGP, duration 5 minutes, followed by the elaboration of a written gloss analysis and correction of the recorded video, with a duration of 1 hour (70% of the grade).

Attendance system

Check Regulamento das Atividades Académicas e Linhas Orientadoras de Avaliação de Desempenho Escolar dos Estudantes do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal & Regulamento de Frequência e Avaliação of ESE-IPS.


Bibliografia de ITI, e:

Alves, C. F. (Org.) (2013). Da teoria à prática: a voz dos usuários da LGP, Custóias: ATILGP
Amaral, M. A., “Reflectindo sobre a Reabilitação de Surdos” in Integrar, nº 2, Set 93, Lisboa: IEFP/SNR; pp. 25-29
Amaral, M. et al (1994) Para uma Gramática da Língua Gestual Portuguesa. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
Almeida, M.J., “Para a história da formação de intérpretes de Língua Gestual Portuguesa” in Integrar, nº 20, Janeiro/Abril 2003, Lisboa: IEFP/SNR, pp. 55-60,
Barbosa, S. (Coord.) (2015). Ser Intérprete de Língua Gestual Portuguesa, Rio Tinto: Mosaico
Bettencourt, J., J. Catarino Soares, “Língua Gestual Portuguesa – Língua de uma minoria linguística” in Integrar, nº 4, Abril/Julho 1994, Lisboa: IEFP/SNR, pp. 49-55
Buzan, T., Use Your Memory, BBC Publications, 1986
Caldas. C. (Ed.) (2012). Coleção Pro-LGP, Lisboa: UCP
Coelho, O. & Klein, M. (2013). Cartografias da Surdez, Porto: Livpsic
Duarte, H., M.J. Almeida, “Recognizing and protecting Sign Language in the Constitution” in WFD News – Magazine of the World Federation of the Deaf, Vol. 16, nº 2, Julho 2003, Helsínquia, Finlândia: WFD, pp.7-8
Frishberg, N., Interpreting an Introduction, Silver Spring, Maryland: RID Publications, Revised Edition, 1990
Gestuário – Língua Gestual Portuguesa, Lisboa: Secretariado Nacional de Reabilitação – Livros SNR nº5, 2ª, Ed., 1995
GD: Gestuário Digital (DVD) – Língua Gestual Portuguesa, Lisboa: INR – Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação, I.P., 2008
Guia Europeu da Comunidade Surda, Bruxelas: European Union of the Deaf, versão em português, 1997
Laborit, E., O Grito da Gaivota, Lisboa: Edit. Caminho, 2000
Ladd, P. (2008). Em busca da Surdidade 1, Lisboa: Surd'universo
Ladd, P. (2017). Em busca da Surdidade 2 - Compreender a cultura surda, Lisboa: Surd'Universo
Lane, H., A Máscara da Benevolência, Lisboa: Horizontes Pedagógicos, Instituto Piaget, 1997
McIntire, M. L. (Ed), Interpreting: The Art of Cross Cultural Mediation – Proceedings of the Ninth National Convention of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, July 4-8, 1985, Silver Spring: RID publications, 2nd printing, 1990
Morgado, M. (2007). Mamadu, o herói surdo. (+DVD). Lisboa: Surd'Universo
Morgado, M. (2009). Sou asas. (+DVD). Lisboa:Surd'Universo
Morgado, M. (coord.) (2010) Os meus primeiros gestos. Lisboa: Surd’Universo /CED Jacob Rodrigues Pereira – Casa Pia de Lisboa.
Sacks, O. (2011). Vejo uma voz - Uma viagem ao mundo dos surdos, Lisboa: Relógio d'Água
Strobel, K. (2009). As imagens do outro sobre a cultura surda, Florianópolis: UFSC
Teixeira, P. (2012). O som das cores. (+DVD). Lisboa: Plátano Editora
Teixeira. P. (2013). Amizade sobre rodas. (+DVD). Lisboa: Plátano Editora
Venade, F. (2014). Os direitos fundamentais das Pessoas Surdas. Coimbra: Almedina

Web: - Academia LGP, Casa Pia de Lisboa e Fundação PT - Spreadthesign – dicionário gestual multilingue (inclui LGP) - Federação Portuguesa das Associações de Surdos - Associação Portuguesa de Surdos - Associação de Surdos do Porto - Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação - European Union of the Deaf - World Federation of the Deaf - European Forum of Sign Language interpreters - World Association of Sign Language Interpreters - International Committee of Sports for the Deaf /

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