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History of the Media

Scholar Year: 2019/2020 - 1S

Code: LGP20012    Acronym: HM
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGP 4 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Maria Pires PessoaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Ana Maria Pessoa   0,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The knowledge and the production of information (theory and practice) about the beginning, the development and the
construction of each media and its history is the big objective, done in four principles: to know, to organize, to think and
to do. The study of the theory and the discussions in class seminars is the basis of the students’ work of Social
Communication (compulsory) and Língua Gestual Portuguesa (optional). To identify the conditions of media creation and
evolution, to think about the genealogy of their construction and to question the different contexts and development of all
media, in a diachronic and synchronic view, to produce original thought and work in the media History and to know and
to use group proceedings are other objectives so as the practice of intellectual honesty.


4.1. Communication and media evolution
4.1.1. The press in the XIXth century
4.2. Republic and Estado Novo
4.3. Written press and audiovisual and electronic development
4.3.1. The press after the democratic revolution
4.3.2. Local press
4.3.3. Nowadays survey
4.3.4. The history of photography and cinema
5. The history of social communication media
5.1. The rádio – from first steps to the internet
5.1.1. Democratic period and radio From “pirate rádios” to actual situation
5.2. The television
5.2.1. Development and social impact
5.2.2. Televison history in Portugal – culture and citizenship From “public service” to private chains and enterprises
6.1. Internet: cybermedia and the net – production, use and citizenship
7.Democracy, media and communication
7.1.Communication and citizenship

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

When one wants to know and to think about the evolution and the history of media it is necessary to identify and to ask
different questions to the communication media and to know how they started, how they went on and how they are today.
In what some of them are concerned – like cinema, radio and television – the presentation is more complete and the
discussions about the industry evolution, the public and private radios and the public and private televisions network
take longer because they are more complex matters. On the other side, students have to do the history of a newspaper
(this year the choice is ARAUTO in order they can understand the theory and methodological issues
involved in such proceedings and in order to achieve all the goals and objectives previously enounced.

Teaching methodologies

The work sessions are organized in different typologies: some are only theory based when different concepts and
themes are concerned; some are only practical and there texts and documentaries considered important are studied
for the themes of methodology and investigation in the History of Media and bout the present day situation of cinema
and television; a study visit to a place of interest to the History of Media is compulsory (Hemeroteca de Lisboa, RTP
Arquives, Radio Museum…) and for the orientation of the writing of the texts and products for the evaluation. The
organization and the production of the history of a newspaper is part of the development of investigation skills. Tutorial
students support (individual and in group) are organized and also through Moodle Platform work or email.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

When one wants students to know the history of different media and that they think about it, it is necessary to organize
the class work in order that those objectives should be achieved. In order to do so, the seminar sessions and theory are
used to list general questions in order to organize the knowledge about each subject; the study visits are used to
develop autonomy and the skills of identifying different forms of accessing to the History of Media; the organization of
written reports about those study visits may develop the synthesis skills and the public presentation of the work; the
writing of an original history of a newspaper (from the theory investigation and problems to the writing of an article about
it) is fundamental to understand the mechanisms that support the investigation and the production of results in the
History of Media.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The classes attendance and the work in all of them is marked 10% of final points.
The study visit and the final report is 20%. It is compulsory for all students.
This year we want to visit RTP or CENJOR. We are waiting their answer to our visit request.

The history of a periodical has two components: one delivered online (= the gathering of data) and it is 20% of final points
The history about the periodical is 30% of the final score and it is delivered in paper.
This year it is the history of a digitalized newspaper - ARAUTO (by the Hemeroteca Digital de Lisboa)

There will be yet a sort of knowledge assessment for 20%
There is a group work about the history of a media (book, press, photographies, cinema, radio, television... and general subjects as: communication agencies, women in media, jobs in media and censorship)

Attendance system

The presence in the classes must have 50% of the final classification.
The study visit and the investigative work about the history of a periodical is also needed for all students.


FÉRIN, Isabel (2002) – Comunicação e culturas do quotidiano. Lisboa: Quimera.
KAPUSCINSKI, Ryszard (2008) – Os Cínicos não servem para este ofício: conversas sobre o bom jornalismo. Lisboa:Relógio d’Água.
LEMOS, Mário Matos e (2006) Jornais Diários Portugueses do Século XX: Um Dicionário" Coimbra: CEIS XX e AriadneEditora.
MARTINS, Luís Oliveira ( ) – Mercados televisivos europeus: causa e efeitos das novas formas de organização
SANTOS, Rogério (2005) – As vozes da Rádio: 19241939.
Lisboa: Caminho.
SILVA, Elsa Costa e ()Os
Donos da notícia: concentração da propriedade dos Media em Portugal.
Um Século de ensino do Jornalismo. Media & Jornalismo: Revista do Centro de Investigação Media e Jornalismo. N.º 13.
ano 8. Outono Inverno
História do jornalismo no Brasil:
Museu Virtual da Imprensa:

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