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Comparative Linguistics

Scholar Year: 2021/2022 - 1S

Code: LGP30008    Acronym: LC
Scientific Fields: Línguas e Literatura
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGP 20 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria José Duarte FreireHead
Ana Luísa da Piedade Melro Blazer Gaspar CostaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,00
Maria José Freire   3,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Other language: Portuguese Sign Language.

- To systematize and relate fundamental concepts and methods of analysis of lexicon and semantics of both work languages: Portuguese and Portuguese Sign Language (LGP)
- To systematize and relate fundamental concepts and methods of analysis of text and sintax of both work languages: Portuguese and Portuguese Sign Language (LGP)
- To make comparative analysis of both languages;
- To publicly share doubts, views, arguments and opinions;
- To develop the ability to achieve tasks and proposed activities timely and autonomously;
- To use both languages as agents of intervention and transformation of society.


Lexicology and lexicography
. Lexicon and vocabulary
. lexicography and dictionaires
. Semantic relations between words

Linguistics of text and syntax of Portuguese
. Textuality
. Negative and interrogative sentences
. Simple and complex sentences
. Cohesion and coerence
Syntax of LGP
. Analysis of texts and sentence structure in LGP
. Simple and complex sentences
. Interrogative sentences
. Negative sentences

. Literal and figurative meaning
. Linguistic and cultural equivalents
. Polysemy and change of meaning
. Language growth / neologisms

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of this curricular unit were formulated aiming at the direct
implementation of the syllabus. In order to enhance the vertical integration of content, all these goals
include several different syllabus contents. All syllabus contents are covered by the learning

Teaching methodologies

Theoretical approach: themes; distribution of documentation; theme-oriented research; presentation of
topics related to the post content research students; discussion and debate. Practical approach: practical
exercises to collect examples of words/signs related to the subjects through a comparative analysis.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The links between teaching methods and goals is developed in order to consolidate learning outcomes.
They are especially fostered by theoretical-practical teaching, tutorial guidance and evaluation. The realization of diverse exercises will allow the consolidation of knowledge and an in-depth reflection on the new concepts covered in the UC.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation will be processed according to the following
Participation during classes: exercises, tasks, discussion, attendance (10%)
Preparation of 1 written assessment test (50%). This evaluation component can be written and/or
recorded in video (signing).
One research paper about one of the syllabus items (40%)


ALVES, C. (Org.), (2013) Da teoria à Prática: a voz dos usuários da LGP. Custóias, ATILGP
Amaral, M. et al (1994) Para uma Gramática da Língua Gestual Portuguesa. Lisboa, Editorial Caminho
APECDA (2008) Gestuário Digital – Língua Gestual Portuguesa. Lisboa, INR, I.P.
CALDAS, C. et al (2012) Coleção Pro-LGP. Lisboa, UCP
CARMO, H. (2018) Classificadores de Língua Gestual Portuguesa - A primeira abordagem. Riga, Novas Edições Académicas
CD + LGP A Casa + LGP O Corpo e + LGP O Mundo (1997), Lisboa, Laboratório Psicolinguística FLUL
Correia, M. & Lemos, L.S.P. (2005) Inovação lexical em português. Lisboa: Edições Colibri / APP
DELGADO-MARTINS, R. (1996) Linguagem gestual: uma linguagem alternativa. in FARIA, I. et al (1996) Introdução à linguística geral e portuguesa. Lisboa, Caminho, pp. 103-112
Dicionário de Língua Gestual Portuguesa, (1997) Laboratório de Fonética da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, CD-ROM
Eliseu, A.S., et al. (2008). Enciclopédia do Estudante 13 & 14. Língua Portuguesa I & II. Carnaxide:
Santillana Constância
Faria, I. et al (1996) Introdução à Linguística Geral e Portuguesa, Lisboa, Ed. Caminho
Faria, I. et al (2001) Predicados de movimento em língua Gestual portuguesa, Polifonia, nº4, Lisboa, Edições Colibri, pp. 87-98
Fernandes, C. P. (2012) Inclusão na educação surdos: categorias gestuais e desenvolvimento "School
signs", Diss.Mestrado, Porto, ESE/IPP
Freire, M.J. (2012) A tradução e Interpretação de provérbios e expressões idiomáticas em língua gestual – equiv. linguístic.cult. In EXEDRA Português: Investigação Ensino, pp.123-130
Gestuário da Língua Gestual Portuguesa, (1992) Lisboa, Secretariado Nacional para a Reabilitação e Integração das Pessoas com Deficiência
MORGADO, M. (Coord.), (2010) Os meus primeiros gestos. Lisboa, Surd’Universo/CED Jacob Rodrigues Pereira – Casa Pia de Lisboa
PRATA, I. (1980) Mãos que falam. Lisboa, Lab. Fon. FLUL
QUADROS, R. (2004) Língua de Sinais Brasileira – Estudos linguísticos. Porto Alegre, Artmed.
QUADROS, R. (2006) Estudos Surdos I. Petrópolis, Editora Arara Azul (disponível em
Raposo, E,B.P. & outros (orgs)(2013). Gramática do Português. Lisboa: Gulbenkian
SACKS, O. (2011) Vejo uma voz - Uma viagem ao mundo dos surdos. Lisboa, Relógio d'Água
SANDLER, W. & LILLO-MARTIN, D. (2006) Sign Language and linguistics universals. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
SANTANA, N. (2012) Aspeto verbal na LGP. em
Silva, V.A. & Costa, J. (2008) Dicionário Terminológico. Lisboa: MEC. []

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