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Portuguese Sign Language VI

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LGP30010    Acronym: LGPVI
Scientific Fields: Línguas e Literatura
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGP 16 Study Plan 5,0 80 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria José Duarte FreireHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Carlos Gonçalves   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Portuguese Sign Language.

This course aims to provide students on this course with effective communication skills in their working
language as future interpreters of Portuguese Sign Language.
At the end of this unit the students will be expected to demonstrate that they have assimilated the
underlying concepts of the course and that they can use LGP expression techniques adequately.
The students should be able both produce spontaneous utterances and utterances from topics or images
given to them , and should be able to analyze and correct inaccuracies when they become aware of them or
when are they are advised of them .


Deepening of the grammatical structures of LGP and understanding of its operation. Improving the
production and reception of complex utterances in LGP.
Lexical areas to work on : Astrology; Geography; Discoveries; Poetry; Religion; Exercises: Narrative /
The contact between two languages and two cultures: awareness of the differences and similarities within
the class and of the distinctive qualities of each student.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

New themes studied in this curricular unit widen semantic and structural contexts, needed for good
linguistic development of the students, giving them the ability to increase their communicative
competencies in LGP, as well enabling them to acquiring some specific vocabulary in different thematic
The development of vocabulary and grammatical structures of Portuguese sign language will enable the
development of communication skills, both from the perspective of the issuer and as receiver of

Teaching methodologies

Expressive technique of description with the use of images, pictures or cartoons
Expressive technique of reporting an event from memory (daily event, script, etc)
Expressive technique of telling a story based in cartoons and storyboards without subtitles
Dialogue technique
Group conversation technique
Total immersion in an LGP communication environment (rule of silence, training visual observation, using
written Portuguese support for lexical items)
Use of video recording as an instrument of register, analysis, and self-analysis of signing productions
Simulation of daily life conversation situations
Participation in activities of social gatherings in the deaf community
Knowing and analysing the theoretical and practice bibliography available concerning the contents of this
curricular unit.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Methodologies adopted in this curricular unit respect, promote and develop the characteristics specific of
a sign language.
Mastering the different aspects of signing space, facial and body expression is the result of several
practical exercises held by the students and oriented by the teacher.
Expressive mode in sign language is manifested by the articulation of signs and the use of the signing
space, and the receptive mode, through visual training.
Students are led to explore their natural expressivity and their spontaneous signs which are used as a
bridge to achieve the signs of LGP lexicon.
Elaboration of short texts in LGP will contribute to the consolidation of the acquisition of vocabulary and
work on the grammatical structures of the language.
Video recording of these exercises and following analysis allow students to be aware of what they have
learned as well as addressing some difficulties in expression.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Evaluation will include the following:
Attendance and participation 20%
Intermediate LGP practical evaluation - 40%
Final LGP practical evaluation - 40%


Bibliografia de LGP I, II, III, IV, V e:
Carvalho, P. V. (2019). A educação de surdos na Casa Pia de Lisboa, Lisboa: Casa Pia de Lisboa.
Medi@ções – Revista online (2019). Língua Gestual Portuguesa e Comunidade Surda. Vol. 7 N.º 1 (2019), Setúbal: Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, disponível em:
Morgado, M. (2007). Mamadu, o herói surdo. (+DVD). Lisboa: Surd'Universo
Morgado, M. (2009). Sou asas. (+DVD). Lisboa:Surd'Universo
Morgado, M. (coord.) (2010) Os meus primeiros gestos. Lisboa: Surd’Universo /CED Jacob Rodrigues Pereira – Casa Pia de Lisboa.
-Conferência “ Os Surdos Olhando o Futuro” Torre do Tombo – 1998
-Seminário “Dia Nacional do Surdo” -Instituto Jacob Rodrigues Pereira-2006

Página gerada em: 2024-06-04 às 05:10:43