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Journalistic Writing

Scholar Year: 2019/2020 - 1S

Code: OP00031    Acronym: PTJ
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 14 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ricardo Jorge Melo NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Ricardo Nunes   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Knowledge and proper use of the theoretical and technical principles that professionally organize and guide the
Journalistic activity;

Know and master the characteristics of the different types and genres of journalism;

Identify and characterize the different phases of the journalistic activity and the technical procedures that define them;

Reveal capabilities conducive to planning, production and journalistic achievement in the various stages of production of
A newspaper: press design (layout and infographics) and journalistic writing;

Know and use in depth the criteria of newsworthiness;

Produce news texts properly using various sources of information, through analysis operations,
Interpretation and synthesis;

Reveal capabilities to take on various functions in drafting: drafting secretariat, reporter, editor.


Short essay
Titles and degrees
Subtitles and subtitling
News writing
Preparing, conducting and writing interviews
Development of surveys
Descriptive techniques / Profile type portrait writing
Techniques of "rewriting"
General information report
The modalities of the "Law of alternation" in the article
Techniques of "Great report"
Role and Characteristics of Opinion Journalism
Editorial Techniques
The chronicle and commentary texts
Political analysis and other background articles
The techniques of "billet"
The variants of the "feature"
Editorial policy and "Style book"
Sources of information
Editing and Editing Planning
Organization of the class in writing and preparation of a journal intended for publication

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Short essay
Titles and degrees
Subtitles and subtitling
News writing
Preparing, conducting and writing interviews
Development of surveys
Descriptive techniques / Profile type portrait writing
Techniques of "rewriting"
General information report
The modalities of the "Law of alternation" in the article
Techniques of "Great report"
Role and Characteristics of Opinion Journalism
Editorial Techniques
The chronicle and commentary texts
Political analysis and other background articles
The techniques of "billet"
The variants of the "feature"
Editorial policy and "Style book"
Sources of information
Editing and Editing Planning
Organization of the class in writing and preparation of a journal intended for publication

Teaching methodologies

The program of this course is the basis from which the principles that guide the following objectives are established:
Provide students with professional principles and techniques essential to the performance of journalism.
Mobilize knowledge, reinforce specific skills to support professional performance based on, among others, the principles of precision, rigor and impartiality.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The teaching methodologies aim to stimulate students to develop a reflection and practices leading to the field of Journalistic Text Production.
Thus, through the use of documentary sources, in particular journalism, they appropriated the fundamental theoretical aspects of this area of knowledge.
The selection and incorporation of appropriate methodologies for the continuation of work, follow-up and presentation of results, are the fundamental axes of the work to be performed. The final result is the production of a printed publication, newspaper or magazine.

Individual and small group mentoring sessions play a key role in the preparation and follow-up of these projects.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Realization of editorial project through group work.
The class is divided into two essays developing autonomous work.
At the end of the semester, and after several project follow-up sessions, each of the essays presents a printed editorial product: magazine or newspaper.

Attendance system

Required attendance.


AAVV. (1998). Serviço de reportagem. Uma antologia de jornalismo português de imprensa. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.
AAVV. (2005). Livro de Estilo ­ Público. Lisboa: Público.
Bastos, Helder (2011). Ciberjornalismo em Portugal ­ Práticas, papéis e ética. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
Cabrera, Ana (Org.) (2011). Jornais, Jornalistas e Jornalismo – Sécs. XIX e XX, CIMJ
Fontcuberta, Mar de (1993). A notícia. Pistas para perceber o mundo. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias
Pina, Sara (2000); “A Deontologia dos Jornalistas Portugueses”, Coimbra: Minerva
Rebelo, José(2000); O Discurso do Jornal, Lisboa: Noticias
Ricardo, Daniel. (2004). Ainda bem que me pergunta. Manual de escrita jornalística. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.
Traquina, Nelson (2010) ­ Do chumbo à era digital. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte
Zamith, Fernando (2008) ­ Ciberjornalismo ­ As potencialidades da Internet nos sites noticiosos portugueses. 1ª ed.
Porto CETAC Centro de Estudos das Tecnologias e Ciências da Comunicação



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