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Contemporary history and Media

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 2S

Code: PA08    Acronym: HCM
Scientific Fields: História e Arqueologia
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPPA 22 4,0 30 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Maria Pires PessoaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 2,00
Ana Maria Pessoa   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

To know and to understand,in a comprehensive way, the national contemporary issues;
To identify and to evaluate, in a criticalway, the regional and global integration of contemporary portuguese history:
To use the knowledge from the recente past, in a critical way, aswell as wellas the understanding how one influences the other;
To use different literacies when studying historic themes and actual world fenomena revealing basic skills for understanding the social, scientific and cultural,artisitic and technological issues;
Todistinguish common sense interpretation from reflexive understanding of media
To use data from contemporary history to be intervenient in social and civic life;
To understand the role media play in the construction and interpretation of contemporary hsitory


The liberal revolutions and media
1.1. Ancien Regime and liberal revolution - continuity and rupture.
1.2. The press in the XIX century
1.3. From monarchic liberalism to the failure of the portuguese monarchy
2. Republican regime
2.1. The português republic in an Europe full of monarchs.
2.2. Teh press and the new regime - support and conflict
3. The "Estado Novo" and media
3.1. Organization and evolution
3.2. The press,radio,television, cinema, photography -censorshipand regime culture
4. Teh media and 25th april 1974 -revolution, problems and ruptures
4.1. Regional and local press
4.2. From amateurs to internet
4.3. Television - techniques, cultures, citizenship, expansion and social impact -from the "public servisse" to private and global Tv's
4.4. Communication media and cybermedia - production and use
4.5. Communication media and citizenship

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

This Curricular Unite is part of general contents of the courseand has to play a general frame for the students in their profession.
To be acquaintance with the diferent historic periods and with the contemporary changes in the media and in society must be one of the goals of this CU.

Teaching methodologies

The classes have always two parts: reflection about a theme, one for each day, and the support for the work they are doing all along the semester.
There are theoretical texts always discussed in the sessions and, afterwards, they must be used for students' individual and written reflections.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The use of theory and the production of little essays about the history of diferent media, done by each group of two students, is the most adequate strategy for this type of CU and the skills that it is supposed to develop.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

To reach the goals presented above, the assement of the students has diferent forms:
-production of little writen texts in each class;
- to research, like a biography, about 3 important personalities in the contemporary history and the history of media;
- to produce an ePortfolio with the history of one of the nine media áreas studied in the CU;
- to make an oral and critical reflection to one of the final works presented by the colleagues.

Attendance system

Students must attend sessions on a regular basis like it is in the RFA of the School.

As far as students who are workers are concerned, it is possible an aditional negociation of another work about a theme diferent from the one they studied.


Cabrera, A. (2006) - Marcello Caetano: poder e imprensa. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
FÉRIN, I. (2002) – Comunicação e culturas do quotidiano. Lisboa: Quimera.
LEMOS, Mário M. (2006) - Jornais Diários Portugueses do Século XX: Um Dicionário. Coimbra: CEIS XX,Ariadne Ed.
Mattoso, J. (coord.) (1994). História de Portugal. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.
Ramos, R. (Coord.) (2011). História de Portugal. Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros.
Rosas, F. (2013) – Salazar e o poder: a arte de saber durar. Lisboa: Tinta-da-China.
Silva, Elsa C. (2004). Os Donos da notícia: concentração da propriedade dos Media em Portugal. Porto: Porto Editora
e ainda:
Gombrich, E. H. (1935/2005). A little history of the world.

Hobsbawm, Eric (1994) The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century, 1914–1991.
Hobsbawm, Eric (2002). Interesting Times: A Twentieth-century Life. N York: Pantheon Books.
Hobsbawm, E. & Ranger, T. ed. (1983). The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Judt, T. (2008). Reappraisals: Reflections on the Forgotten Twentieth Century. New York: Penguin Books.
Loomba, A. (1998/2005) – Colonialism/postcolonialism.
Maalouf, A. (2000). In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong. New York: Penguin Books.

Ramos R.; Sousa, B. V.; Monteiro, N. (2011). História de Portugal. Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros.

Santos, B. (2002) O Mundo na Era da Globalização. Lx: Presença.

Sardica, José Manuel (2011). O Século XX português. Lisboa: Texto.

Sen, A. (2006). Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Zweig, S. Stefan (1942/1964). The world of yesterday. Nebraska: U of Nebraska Press.

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