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Socio-historical Dimensions in Education

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: MP1C10020    Acronym: DSHE
Scientific Fields: Área Educacional Geral
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPE1C 31 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Maria Pires PessoaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Cristina Gomes da Silva   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This Unit wants to give students the knowledge in order to understand and to describe the most important moments of the socio-historical evolution of the western educational systems, since the ancient times till the present moment. It wants to give informations about educational problems, both in a cronological and comprehensive way and to give students plenty information about the past in order to understand present day options. The evolution of the main ideas is seen in order to give them the way to analyse the present forms of educational systems, especially the portuguese one, since 1772 to the present. Another issue for this Unit is to help students to study and to have a critical view about the main educational problems and different solutions and to see them as the result of an interaction between pedagogical ideas, educational actors and school pratices.


1- The importance of the History of Education 2- The classical evolution 3- Education in Medieval Age. 4- The realistic pedagogical ideas in Modern Ages 5 – Education from XVII –XVIII centuries 6 – Paedagogical ideas in XIX and XX centuries. 7- The naissance and development of public educational system in Portugal 8- Republican ideas and the school (1910-1926) 9- Estado Novo (1936-19749 under the ideas of the sagrada oficina das almas (holy workshop of souls) 10- 25 april 1974 and education – transformations in the democratic period: options and paedagogical influences. Evolution and chalenges to portuguese education in an european and international context.










Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

This Unit gives students the informations to deal with the importance of History of Education in a chronological and present/contemporary view. They must recognise the organization, the principles and the values that guide(d) the bases of their own job. This contents enable them to identify, to understand and to reflect upon the complexity of the interaction of paedagogical ideas, educational actors and school daily actions. With its contents and methodology this Unit wants to give a contribution to the growth of the students in order to help them to be more responsable, to be equiped for the action and to think educational problems ina a more profound way than common sense.

Teaching methodologies

As this Unit is based on two principles: identification of the evolution and definition of the different socio historical dimensions in Education – the sessions are organized in order to show all the perspectives of a problem and not to see each problem as unique. All sessions begin with the presentation of a problem, the reading or oral presentation of different authors
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and its discussion, in large or small groups. The process includes: (1) the presentation of specialised data about the subjets in discussion; (2) the reading, discussion and analyses of texts, films and images. (3) Observation of different documents; (4) The presentation and organization of short papers. For final evaluation each student must write a small paper/essay (50%), to work in classes (25%)and to answer a final theory writen test (25%).

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The presentation of all theory data about themes in discussion demands the organization of reading sessions, discussion and analysis of papers that are able to identify the paedagogical ideas, the educational actors and the daily pratices. The observation and the analysis of different documents allows the students to be in touch with original papers or historical papers that show and give them the methods to support the problems in discussion. The investigation work and the final essay allows the questioning about what they have learned and the writing of original synthesis based on primary and exclusive sources. The final written test is a contribution to the organization of theoretical contents that all students must know in this area of History of Education

Assessment methodologies and evidences

For final evaluation each student must write a small paper/essay (50%), to work in classes (25%)and to answer a final theory writen test (25%).

Attendance system

Students have to attend 75% of the classes.


ALHO, Albérico Afonso (2011) - Salazar e a Escola Técnica – Uma reforma tolerada num regime intolerante, Parceria A.M. Pereira, Lisboa CARVALHO, Rómulo de (1986) – História do ensino em Portugal desde a fundação da nacionalidade ao fim do regime de Salazar e Caetano. Lisboa: FCG GAL, Roger (1985) - História da Educação. Lisboa: Veja MAGALHÃES, Justino (2001) - Roteiro de fontes para a História da Educação. Lisboa: IIE. MONTEIRO, Reis (2005) – História da Educação: uma perspectiva. Porto: Porto Editora. NÓVOA, António (2005) – Evidentemente: Histórias da Educação. Porto: Asa. PINTASSILGO, J. (2012) - Escolas de Formação de Professores em Portugal: História, Arquivo, Memória. ed. 1. Lisboa: Edições Colibri

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